The swirl in the sky

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Once upon a time there was a land in which all fairy kind had lived in harmony. one fateful day the queens sister Della jealous of her sister for winning over the people and therefore crowned queen had plans for a very special day in the land.

Her sister had a special day planned to celebrate the spring that has just come to there land. Della after the rejection of the people turned dark and wanted her sister and all to feel her pain, so she searched high and low in a book named the forbidden spells a book no one should touch. she went to a pool of water deep within the forest told to have an evil fairy trapped within, Della figured that the fairy would have a spell to help her. The evil fairy told her "I know why you have come, you have come to make your sister and her people pay for rejecting you as rightful queen" Della shocked by the knowledge of the fairy asked "how do you know this to be?" the fairy replied " because child I know all" Della intrigued asked " please tell me how to make them suffer" the fairy coming to a whisper told Della " there is a spell that has never worked before, but for you it just might it is on a scroll within a tree, the tree has the name of the black tree you must go to it and ask it for the scroll for then you will have it. Be warned that you must add something you treasure most to make it work now go child and plant your revenge."

Della went on her way to her house to get ready for the journey she will set out for. Seeing all the cheerfulness around her made this journey more important. On her way to her destination Della sees her sister alone playing the flute to a bunny.

Della realized that her sister Fira was just like their mother which angered Della even more the sorrow of her mothers death rushed through her and tears stung her checks. Della wiped her tears and left her sister alone. Della could not stand the fact that ever since her sisters birth she has been less and less noticed she remembered a time when her sister and herself, were they made flower crowns for their mother to wear Della made a crown out of cherry blossoms, Fira made one of lily's their mothers favorite flower their mother was admiring Della's crown when Fira ran hers over and their mother basicly tossed Della's aside to hold and admire Fira's. from that day forward Fira has been the most admired. Della knocked the thought out of her mined for she was on a journey to end her sister. When Della got to the black tree she was relieved, for she had traveled most of the night. Della stood in front of the great tree and spoke "i wish to have the scroll that will end my sister and her people" for a moment the tree spoke through the wind it said "Danger is upon this spell it is forbidden you are the key to your fate you have been warned" the great tree gave Della the scroll and Della set back for home. When Della got back the fairies were going on their way to breakfast, one fairy in particular one that Della took fancy to who also took fancy to her bumped into her and blushed. Terence had an effect on Della that no one else did. Terence asked Della " hey ummm do you want to so get some breakfast or something" rubbing his hand on the back of his neck as if trying not to look nervous.

Della replied " of course I just have to go home and change first" Della although she turned bad didn't mean she didn't have a heart it just meant that she didn't trust that many people, but Terence was her childhood friend and love he has never let her down. "cool umm I guess ill come with you and we can go together." Terence said " sure just no peeking" Della said with a laugh. They both laughed on the way to Della's house. " I'll be right out" Della said as she went into her closet to change. "okay" said Terence as he looked around at her stuff. A minute later Della walked out in a new outfit Terence looked over trying not to look like a boy head over heels in love. " so lets go get breakfast shall we" Della said "of course" opening the door and gesturing "my lady". Laughing Della bowed and said "my dear gentle man what would I ever do without you." Terence had a goofy grin on his face at this point.

After breakfast Della went back home and looked over the scroll the tree had given to her. The scroll read,

"one spell to destroy those in your path, to make this spell work you must sacrifice your most loved treasure. After you have completed this task you will speak these words.

"Light and day end my pain send a storm to make it go away

destroy all in path except for these."

After you say the last word name what you will keep including yourself ."

Della had to think long and hard on what she treasures most she came to the conclusion that the necklace that her father gave to her as a birthday present the year before he died was what she treasured the most, in one hand she did not want to part with it since he was the only one to pay her attention besides Terence, but on the other hand if she does this Terence and Della could live in harmony by themselves. She decided that she would give up the treasure for her and Terence's futures sake. The next day Della asked Terence over to tell him her plan. When Terence got there Della was so happy to see him, so happy she almost knocked him down when she hugged him. Della told Terence her plan,but Terence didn't think it was a good idea " but I thought you were with me until the end?" Della said

" I am but if you do this everyone will be gone" Terence said with concern.

"not everyone will be gone, just the people I want will" Della tried to bring him to see her side of things. "Terence if I do this we can be happy together and rule a new kingdom". "I know its been hard on you ever since your father died but making your sister pay will not bring him back" Terence hugged Della in his arms as they sat on the couch, but Della was really wanting him to support her. " I just want you to be there for me always and if I do this and your not there in the end I wont be able to live.". "you will be able to live because I will always be there for you, I just don't think its the best way to salve your problems". Della looked up at Terence for a moment they just stared into each others eyes then almost exactly they both moved in for a kiss. Della had the answer she wanted and the man she wanted, the man that also wanted her. The day of the celebration Della went to Terence's house they both went somewhere the spell could be casted and somewhere they could see the outcome. The day before Terence and Della made a list of what to save from the storm told to be the worst possible. Della held Terence's hand as she spoke the words off the scroll, she named all she wanted to save then almost instantly a swirl in the sky appeared the swirl came closer and closer to the ground as the swirl went and took care of Della's problems Terence looked to her and asked " what on earth do you call that swirl of destruction?" Della looked at him and thought of the best name she could think of " a hurricane" as they watched the land be destroyed to the end she took delight in the fact that Terence was with her to live their new life.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2014 ⏰

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