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Weary and delirious, the room spun in a circle, not a pleasant one, but a fast, and sudden. Surprised blue orbs dared to open, seeing this made them shut, almost a second later hardly open for a minute, Katara heard a strange and a familiar voice she owned close to her heart, her pelvis ached, but she couldn't feel much of anything else, someone beside her, a women, probably the nurse touched her shoulder, though the water bender was too tired in that moment to even acknowledge the women by opening her eyes, she understood and listened to the nurse

"Please try not to move too much, you need to heal" The nurse told her, whispering, probably for the baby

The room was quiet after that, soo quiet in fact Katara swore she was alone, alone in a room where you could hear shoes softly tapping against the wood floor, blind and lost, it felt like that to her anyway, but she didn't move regardless, and Zuko saw this, sitting beside her, their baby fast asleep in his arms, wrapped up and swaddled, a little blue hat on his small head, the fire lords amber eyes examined his queen, taking them off of his son for the first time since he was born, the nurse smiled at him, nodding her head to give them some space, the door clicking closed startled their new born, the soft cry made Katara's eyes snap open, the fire bender bouncing his son in his arms lightly until the crying almost ceased

"Zuko?" The brunette sat up for a moment, helping her eyes adjust until she was able to see clearly, her orbs scanned over her lover, and new bundle of joy, crying softly, his tiny voice box not able to grow very loud, her jaw gaped, making the man smile when she asked "is...?"

"Mommy, meet Kaian" Though he knew Katara wanted a girl, she smiled, a beautiful smile that practically melted his heart, she held out her arms and within a second the baby was set them, his crying ceased almost instantly, the soft cotton rubbing against her soft flesh

"Hello Kai" She cooed, her finger grazing his soft pink cheek, his small cheeks perked, his tongue stuck out and a small giggle erupting from his throat, her smile was like that of a Cheshire, her eyes welling with tears, a somber silence surrounded the couple as the water bender let tears slip down her cheeks

"He loves you" Zuko commented, kneeling beside his bride and baby, kissing her cheek, his thumb grazing the tear that slipped down her face "And I love you both" She glanced towards him at first her tears were sad but listening the her lover, a smile formed over her lips, and practically knocked the breath from his lungs, he hadn't seen Katara this happy since he proposed, she was glowing, radiating even, her whole life complete and all in her arms and beside her at the same time, though her happy tears never stopped, the fire bender didn't ask why she was crying, only because he already knew the answer 

"How is everything?" The nurse sang happily, peeking into the room in case the water bender had gotten up at all, privacy was key "Good I'm really glad you're up" She smiled, Katara straightened her position on the bed, wiping her eyes dry

Several hours past, until the nurse had finally got done explaining the do's and don't's what to and what not to expect while Kaian grew and how to take care of him while he was still new, anything the couple wasn't filled in on at the check ups, and how to breast feed. Night time soon over took the sky, closing the place down but the fire bender refused to leave, sleeping on the chair beside his lover, his elbow propped up on her pillow and his hand holding his cheek, the bender smiled at him, and down at her son, fast asleep latched to her breast, she stroked the dark hair on his small head, taking the small hat off of his head

"Zuko" The brunette whispered, licking her lips and looking around the room, her eyes stopping on him, a small snore sounded from his mouth, she rolled her eyes and nudged his arm, making it fall on accident, his head falling into the pillow, he jolted up immediately

"Huh? Hmm..?" Zuko yawned and rubbed the sleep from his tired eyes

"Wake up sleepy head" Her eyes looked him up and down

"I'm up I'm up" The fire bender scratched the back of his neck, a quirky smile on his lips

"When do you think we can take him home?" Her eyes darted back down to the small child sleeping soundly on her

"A few days I promise"

And a few days it had, as easy as it was to bring the precious child home, the easier he was able to grow, and a year had flown by the couples eye before they could even blink, Katara walked down the palace halls, Kaian latched to her waist her, his fluorescent eyes stared around curiously, as she continued her walk, the hall lead into a walk way, where the grass laid around the palace, a walkway where someone could easily, most specifically a child could easily duck under and run straight for the pond by the cherry blossom tree, Kaian pointed towards the pond excitedly a small joyous scream coming from his vocal cords, he bounced against his mothers side, kicking his legs

"Do you want to see the pond?" She asked curiously, placing him on the ground, he immediately ran towards the wooden posts, acting as railing, the child looked back at the pond for one moment, slowly and shakily bending down, his palms touched the dirt and he tried to move his body under them, screaming when he couldn't get his any lower than the post  "Mommys got you Kai" her tanned fingers touched the boy, and instead of going to her he continued to try and do it for himself screaming when she attempted to help, Katara rolled her eyes, a playful smile over her lips and pushed his head down farther, he jumped up on the other side looking at his mom "Peekaboo!" She spat playfully

Kaian screamed again, this time a wide smile on his face, his two bottoms teeth sticking out and his top four showing in his smile, joy swept over the girl as she stood up and swung her leg over the railing, her robe riding up rather high, she swung her other leg as Kai screamed and ran towards the flowers growing in the grass, he squatted by them and carefully wrapped his fingers in the grass, his full attention on the texture against his skin, Katara smiled and walked up behind him, her tall shadow catching his attention, he looked up and backwards towards his mother, he smiled and stood up, turning around and holding up the blade of grass in his hand

"Whatcha got big boy?" She asked, squatting down, Kaian ignored her question and held out his arms

"Mom mom mom mom" He complained, usually saying this repeatedly to get held, she rolled her eyes and picked him up, throwing him in mid arm, his giggles ringing through the walkway

And this, Katara thought, was what full completeness felt like to her, as she showered her son in sweet quick kisses

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