Pregnancy kinda sucks

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Katara tried to sit up, rolling a little, trying to get out of bed without waking her husband up again, she strained and furrowed her brow, her large stomach always got in the way like this, and even more annoying, to her at least Zuko woke up

"Are you okay?" He asked, a little groggy from it being about three that morning

"Gotta pee.." She mumbled, he smiled and shook his head when she finally got up, holding her stomach  protectively

It was about the eighth time she'd gotten up, though Zuko was used to her excessive bladder, he still woke when she got up, he didn't mind, he loved seeing her waddle around, she had gotten soo big over the months, and she was glowing at that, beautiful as ever and made him fall in love just about everytime he saw her, she came back into the room, trying to be careful as she laid down, out of breath when she finally got comfortable

"Better?" Zuko asked, chuckling and wrapping his arm around her

"I'm soo fat I'm out of breath" Katara complained, trying to catch her breath

"You're not fat, our child is just about done in there" He kissed her neck sweetly

Like the drop of a dime Katara's snoring was audible in the room, not loud, but pleasant enough to where Zuko had fallen back asleep, thankfully she didn't wake the rest of the night, the male knew she needed her sleep, and damn well needed her food, practically almost four course meal everytime she ate, she never left the palace without some type of food with her, she couldn't move super fast, and she said she'd starve if she didn't have food on her from how slow she was, in the morning Zuko helped her up, she smiled at him, instinctively holding her stomach as they stood, while they walked to the dining room, the male caressed her stomach, the child kicked his hand

"It kicked me" He smiled, Katara rolled her eyes

"She's not an it" She hissed

"He might not be a she love" He reminded her, they both decided that the gender would be a secret

"Well call her by her name then" The girls blue orbs scanned the room, hungry as ever

"Have you settled on one love? I know the girls name was very indecisive" Zuko pointed out, helping her sit in her seat, he sat beside her

"Just because Kaian (ky-an) was your first and only choice for a boy doesn't mean I need to settle just yet" Katara pointed out, just as the food came out, she smiled "good I'm starving!"

Zuko chuckled "You and Kai are always hungry"

"You don't know if she'll be a Kaian or whatever I decide soo don't nickname just yet!" The girl spoke as she chewed muffled by her favorite breakfast

"Have you settled for just two names then?" He asked, taking a bite of his food

"Uhm Kiara or Irradesa I'm not sure" She mumbled, picking at her food before taking a huge bite

"I think Irradesa is beautiful" Zuko smiled at her, finishing his breakfast as he watched his wife continue to stuff her face, she smiled, food stuck on her face

"Desa or Kai it is, may the best one win"

After breakfast the couple took a walk around the palace, the usual routine, hand in hand as they walked Katara examined the area, recognizing the small oasis from before they made their life changing trip to see her grandmother years before, the girl smiled, tugging on Zuko's arm, he didn't protest, letting her lead the way as the sat at the edge of the water

"Do you remember this place?" She asked curiously, he thought for a moment

"We usually come here once in a blue moon" He responded, trying to pin point it, Katara smiled, bending a water bubble carefully and bringing it close to her hand "I do, this is where we sat before we left for that trip with our friends" Zuko smiled, watching the bubble float above her hands

"Desa seems to like it when I bend" She smiled widely, feeling the baby kick around excitedly around her stomach

"I wonder if Kai will be a bender like both of us" Zuko placed his hand over her stomach, immediately getting kicked, he scooted closer to her

"I'm sure she'll be the greatest just like her dad" She kissed his cheek sweetly, making him blush

The male stared at his wife for a moment, the way she focused soo carefully on her water bubble, her blue eyes staring down at her round stomach, he smiled at her, imagining her holding their beautiful child in her arms, singing to it, making it smile, he placed his head on her shoulder, sighing contently, it was amazing to him how far they'd gotten in their lives, to hating eachother, to being friends, for falling in love and being together, to marrying and now having a child, what he wouldn't give to hold their miracle in his arms, like falling in love all over again

"Penny for your thoughts" Katara mumbled, the male sat up beside her, them both looking at one another

"I'm just thinking about how great of a mother you'd make" He smiled, kissing her cheek, heat took over the girls face, distracting her and making the bubble of water burst and soak both of them

"Oh shit" Katara sighed, smiling at Zuko, he smiled back as she waved the water off of them and back into the Oasis

"Besides your filthy mouth" He snickered, standing up and offering his hand to his beloved, she rolled her eyes, grabbing his hand and standing up with a slight squeal

"Hey I'm not as bad as you are!" Katara accused with a smile, the couple walked along the path before them, making their way back to the palace "Now hurry I gotta- Oh-!" The women stopped in her tracks, the kicked her frantically, water bursting on the grassy floor 

"What the fuck? Katara did you just pee in the grass? Are you okay?" Zuko gripped her shoulders, as she doubled over

"No you idiot my water broke!"

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