"C'mon Grey, it'll be fun." Logan begged, and I ran my hand through my disorganized hair. I needed to get it cut soon.

"I don't know," I mumbled anxiously, fiddling with my backpack, "The game's so far away and you only want me to go because you don't have a car." He shrugged, not denying the accusation. I didn't change my neutral face.

"It's good for you to get out of that dump once in awhile." He tried to convince me, unsuccessfully. He sighed, knowing me too well. "Please?" I furrowed my eyebrows, the total change in his tone confusing me.

"...Are you meeting someone?" The tomato-like complexion on his face confirmed my suspicions. I cat-like grin spread across my face, knowing I had the upper hand.

"Kinda..." He mumbled, a shy smile fighting to make itself seen.

"Does lil' Logan have a datie-watie?" I cooed, bending my knees to shorten myself to his level of sight. He immediately pushed me back, causing me to laugh loudly.

"It's not a date!" He denied, pushing up his huge glasses.

"Not a date?" I questioned, beginning to make my way out of the school doors and to the parking lot. He nodded, trying his hardest to convince me. "Okay, maybe I'll ask her to the dance next Saturday." He nearly stopped in his tracks,.

"No!" He yelled, jogging to keep up with the head start I had on him. "She's not your type." He desperately tried to regain his composure, pretending like he was totally nonchalant. I rolled my eyes, unlocking my car and getting inside without saying anything. I pulled out as he distracted himself with the practically held together radio. Right as I pulled out of the school's parking lot, my eyes caught on the gas fullness dial thing. The little red hand was pointing to beneath the E. E as in empty, meaning my car was more empty than empty. I groaned, pulling into the gas station near the highway.

"Should we bring anything?" Logan asked, making me pause as I dug through my wallet for money. "I'll get some chips or something." He answered himself before I could. He hopped out, and I followed him out. I bought my gas, and began to fill the tank. I leaned against the car, watching the cars on the highway stream past. A tiny pinprick of a car caught my attention, two cop cars weaving in and out of unyielding traffic. I heard a slamming of the car door on the other side. I scoffed, Logan was making me drive all the way to this game, and he didn't even want to chat while I filled up the gas. The pump clicked, and I put the nozzle back into the holder, declining a receipt and getting back in the car. I put the key in, starting up the car.

I looked to the passenger's side, planning to steal a chip. Instead there was only an empty seat. I stared at the thin air for a second. I groaned, pressing the heel of my palm into my eyes.

"Is this when I finally go crazy?" I questioned the vacancy of the car. Just as I was about to press my forehead onto the steering wheel, the door opened. I turned my head slightly to look at Logan, who was stocked to the brim with all sorts of chips.

"-didn't know which she would like." He muttered while he clicked himself in. He pushed his long blond hair out of his face before looking at me. "Ready?" He asked impatiently, wiggling in his seat like a little kid. I laughed uneasily, trying to shake of my probable psychotic meltdown. I pulled out of the station, facing the highway. The police finally reached me, forcing me to stop to let them pass me. Logan and I watched distractedly as the cops screeched to a halt in front of the little store. A car behind me honked, and I started. I waved an apology to those behind me, and joined the highway.

"Maybe I accidentally stole something." Logan joked, breaking the silence. I laughed, quickly darting my eyes to see what chips he definitely bought.

"You would be the worst criminal." I joked loudly, my attention once again sturdy on the road. "You would be so nervous and fidgety, you're way too unconfident." He laughed, nodding without a complaint.

"It's not like you would be much better!" Logan broke into a bag of chips. "The only thing I've got going for me is that I'm white." I snorted, startled at his sudden abruptness. "Well we shouldn't become criminals then." He concluded, to which I wholeheartedly agreed.

"It's too late for that, now." Said a feminine voice from behind my seat.  

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