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(Y/N)- Ugh. What time is it?

You turn to look over at Frisk who is sound asleep beside you. You immediately go quiet not wanting to disturb them. You turn to your alarm seeing that it is 3:00 in the afternoon. You nearly spring from the bed after realizing how late you've slept in.

(Y/N- (in a hushed whisper) Crap!!!

You hear Frisk yawn. They put their arms around you hugging you close

Frisk- Babe go back to sleeeeep....I know we slept in late but I didn't waaaaannnnnaaaa mooooove...that and you look cute when you sleep...

You feel the heat rising to your face as Frisk giggles softly.

Frisk- What? Don't tell me you ALREADY forgot about last night

you shiver slightly as you feel their breath on your neck and then your ear. They playfully nibble on it relaxing you instantly "D-Dang frisk...I regret telling you how much I l-liked that..." you think to yourself as you involuntary sigh with happiness.


You hadn't felt that in a long time...But being here now with Frisk...You felt it.

Frisk gently turns you so you are facing them. They smile lovingly at you.

(Y/N)- S-sorry Frisk...I just...kinda lost myself

Frisk pulls you close kissing you lovingly they pull back a little and smile against your lips

Frisk- It is okay love...I bet you are glad we moved out of my parents' place now aren't you.

They began laughing. It wasn't the laugh they had around others but the one they saved for you. You laughed with them.

(Y/N)- Yeah I am...So what exactly happened?

Frisk smiled devilishly and toyed with your (H/C) hair running their fingers gently through it. You gave off that same happy sigh again causing them to kiss you.

Frisk- I guess you could say we got a little...

(Y/N)- Frisk don't you even...

Frisk- Frisky!

(Y/N)- Damn it Frisk!!

You playfully beat them with your pillow starting a pillow fight that you then lose. Frisk is on top of you pinning you with your own pillow that somehow they got from you. they lean down and kiss you gently.

(Y/N)- F-Frisk...I...

Frisk- you what my love?

Their hold on you loosens just enough. You fake your defeated and pouty look.

(Y/N)- I think I win!!!!!

Frisk- wha...

it is to late for them to talk. In that second of a distraction you flipped them on their back and pinned them. You quickly lay on them keeping them under you. They try in vain to push you off of their chest.

Frisk-'t breathe...

You gasp and quickly get off of them a look of concern, worry, and fear in your (E/C) eyes. Then...They start laughing. You feel your cheeks get red and then the tears that spring to your eyes as you run downstairs embarrassed. Frisk is right behind saying comforting things. Their arms go around you and they nibble on/whisper in your ear. You stop struggling relaxing completely into them. Frisk smiles.

Frisk- (Y/N)?

(Y/N)- (in a quiet loving voice) yes my love...

Frisk- we should probably get dressed.

You look down at your bare bodies gasping you cover yourself and run and get dressed.

You had always been rather quiet and submissive at least....after your parents left you...You had no idea why they did what they did but one day you woke up to find them gone with a note saying they would never come back and an address at the bottom. You quickly went to that address hoping to find answers but found the home of Frisk and their parent. Close friends of your own parents. Frisk was a year older than you so they protected you at school. You immediately loved them after their parents took you in after hearing your situation. A year after you and Frisk finished college you bought a house together with money from their parents and began to date. Things only got better for you from there when you realized just how happy they made you. After getting dressed in a (F/C) t-shirt and a pair of jeans you walked back downstairs to the wonderful smell of breakfast. You were excited...especially after last night. You sat at the table as frisk gave you a plate of bacon and eggs. You thanked them and dug in. When you looked up though...Something was different. Frisk's normally closed eyes were open and...and they were blood red. Their normal blue and sweater replaced with a green one with a yellow stripe.

???- Is it good my sweet?

They almost purred these words at you. You dropped your fork and jumped up from the table. You shook your head but Frisk was back looking very concerned. And that is where your journey begins.

Hey guys it's me just wondering how you guys like it so far i know it doesn't match the title but give it time its developing character and helping you get a feel for your new role and connections. - Ratty

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