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We all have but one life... though according to legend, cats have nine.

Nine worlds to explore, nine opportunities to play, nine times to learn–– Nine chances to love.

Perhaps it seems a little unfair. After all, who knows what a human could do with even one of those second chances?


Skye: (All right, Skye... You got this.)

My heart pounds as I approach the door to the publishing office.

Skye: (Just take a deep breath... Phew... Gotta keep your cool.)

Today is April 8: My first day working at a local publishing company.

I graduated college last year–– and all of a sudden, I was thrown into the real world.

After months of supermarkets, coffee shops, and babysitting, I was more than ready for a real job.

In a way, this position marks my transition to real-deal-adulthood.

Skye: (But why'd it have to be today, of all days...? Maybe it's a sign... )

But with a shake of my head, I pushed those thoughts aside.

Skye: (No. I'm not going to let that get to me. Not today.)

I cheered up myself and fling opened the door to the building in eager anticipation.

Woman: "Good Morning. How can I help you?"

A woman greets me at the front desk, and my hands immediately started to shake.

I introduced myself in a nervous burst, clutching my bag to my chest.

Skye: "Uhm, hi! I'm Skye! The new editorial assistant!"

... Well, so much for keeping it cool.

She laughs and gives me a funny look before making her way over.

Woman: "Nice to meet you, Skye. This way–– you'll be over in this office today."

I followed her beyond several desks and book shelves, and she leads me to a specific table.

She gestures at a couple of empty chairs. Not so daunting, right?

Woman: "Here we are, the corner desk. Dylan will be training you here for the next few weeks. Oh, I'm Ashley, by the way. Good luck on your first day!"

After shaking my hand, Ashley shuffles back away.

Skye: "Th-thank you! I appreciate it!"

As she leaves, I carefully took my seat. I glance down at the desk, unable to get comfortable.
The desk itself is extremely neat and organized.

Skye: (I wonder who 'Dylan' is...)

I tried to imagine what kind of person I'll be working with. I'm kinda hoping it'll be... An experienced mentor.

Skye: (He could develop my skills and I'll become the BEST EDITOR EVER! Heh heh...)

Skye: "Heh heh heh..."

???: "Ah-hem... you must be Skye?"

Skye: "Oh––! I––!"

I looked up suddenly to find a man standing above me, holding a stack of papers.

He looks young... But something about him seems really serious. Behind those glasses, his sharp eyes seemed to pierce right through me.

Skye: "Y-yes, that's me!"

I bounced to stand up in front of him.

???: I'm Dylan Brown. So you're the new assistant editor."

Skye: "Yeah, that's right! I-it's nice to meet you!"

Dylan: "Nice to meet you, too."

He shifts his glasses on his nose and gives me a sideways glance.
Dylan: "Relax. You already got the job. Today's just the basics."

He sits down at the desk and pushes the stack of papers towards me. I tried to compose myself.

Skye: "Y-yeah, you're right. So what are we doing today?"

Dylan: "Mostly just paperwork and looking over our rules. Getting the fundamentals out of the way."

He turns his chair towards me, looking me straight in the eyes.

Even though this guy is kind of nerdy, something about him is intimidating.

Dylan: "I'm one of the newer editors here. That's probably why they assigned you to me. So if you don't want to get fired, you'll follow exactly what I say."

He's scary, but it seems like he knows what he's doing.

Dylan: "I'll teach you everything–– But you'd better pay attention."

Skye: "Yes, of course! I really appreciate it––"

I bend over to shake his hand, leaning my chair over towards him.

In one swift motion, I lean over to shake his hand and knocked over his coffee.

The desk is soaked, along with the stack of papers he had just brought.

Dylan's eyes narrowed as the black liquid drips onto his leg.

Skye: "Im so sorry. Are you okay?"

Dylan: "It's fine, I'll just get some paper towels."

He says that but the look on his face is totally annoyed with me...

What a wonderful first impression.

Skye: (Maybe April 8 was bad luck, after all...)

Dylan returns with a stack of paper towels. He hands a couple to me and we cleaned up the mess.

Dylan: "Well, at least you're keeping on my toes today." (smiles)

Skye: "I'm so sorry Dylan! I really didn't mean to..."

Dylan: "Well good thing I made another copy of the pages earlier."

He reaches into his drawer and grabs another stack, cool as ice.

Dylan: "Just don't spill on this one."

I breathe a sigh of relief. Thank goodness he was prepared.

Dylan: "So, take a look at the first page of that packet. This is the staff contract..."

... Dylan guides me through the paperwork for the next hour and a half.

Despite my awkward start, he keeps it professional the entire time. It's kind of impressive...

... But also a little disappointing. I feel like it's my fault we didn't get along right away.

With that, the day slowly inches by.

Dylan: "Looks like you're free to go."

Skye: "Ah, okay! Thanks for helping me out today, Dylan."

Dylan: "Of course. It's my job, after all."

He nodded and started packing up his papers.

Dylan: "See you next time."

Skye: "Yeah! I look forward to it. Oh, and I promise, I'll never ever spill coffee on you again."

That made him smile, a quick sideways smirk.

Dylan: "Hmm, we'll see about that."

I bid him goodbye, pack up my bag, and leave the office in a hurry.

Fri| April 21, 2017

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