Autobiography of the girl.

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My name is Alia, I am a 20 year old girl. Everything was fine, I was living with my small family which was a very happy family, father-mother& me. Until my father got trapped in with some bad guys, our family was threatened. Daddy started to stay worried.

I was daddy's little princess. He read books to me every night, till I was asleep. He stayed with me every time I needed him, mother was also very kind & supportive. They loved each other very much.

Daddy was a powerful man as much as I know, always there were some government officials visiting us. They brought us expensive gifts, not sure why. Dads powers never bothered me or our relations, whatever he was, how much power he had he loved me right & never ever was busy enough for me.

We were prosper & affluent, I had a dog his name was ken. And just like I said everything was fine, then one day my parents decided to let me go to a boarding for further studies, it was something unexpected. I knew it was because they thought I will be disturbed by the environment which was turning toxic with every passing day.

It all started like this, dad's most trusted man brought him a deal, he couldn't say no to. It had something to do with the country's secrecy, dad did not see what was coming. The Americans became interested & they asked dad to pass it to them when he denied they started abusing & threatening us. Things fell out of our hands, as we couldn't inform the police, because it was daddy's fault. I think later they did informed them but it was already too late.

I was sent to the boarding, before I left my dad gave me diary it had our photographs & a CD. He said "Just remember daddy loves you, forever." & I saw a tear slip down his cheek just before he grabbed me & kissed my forehead, I saw him wiping his tear. Mother was all emotional, I was too. I was leaving them for the first time. She just kissed me & ran back into her room.

I knew it was hard leaving them but with their emotions it became harder. On my way to the boarding I opened the diary it had a note *You're our little princess, everything we have belongs to you. No matter if we stay with you or not you have to carry on being a good girl. Forever means forever :)*. He hated those smileys, he said these can never express a real emotion & here he was drawing one for me. The diary was a new one, & my favorite family moments in the pictures.

I did not understand how much important his words were until I knew it were his last words. A week later I was informed that they were murdered in the house. I lost all hopes, the world seemed a pathetic place to me, I had no one, they even killed ken. Why I don't understand, I isolated myself for a fortnight when one of my teacher called me in for a counselling they thought I needed one, what I actually needed was my family.

On my first day of counselling she tried open me up, she asked me about my parents, my family. She wanted me face things as they were, that's when I realized I needed to talk, I needed someone to share my feels. She helped me, everyone else in the school was very sympathetic to me. It was fine.

One night I was going through daddy's last possessions I re-read his note, it made me realize what he actually meant. It was an empty diary, he knew he'd be gone & then I'll have no one, so I"ll use my diary to share my feelings, he knew I loved writing.

Things were getting better, a month has passed, I've started to cope up with things. I was sitting in my economics class, when the assistant professor called me into his office. He said 2 gentlemen have come to visit me. Yes I had a few aunts & uncles but not sure who'd come to see me after a month, I was not in good terms with any of them. 'Let's see' I thought to myself.

Two gentlemen, one with a long black coat, curly hair, blue eyes, white skin. The other one was a rather short man, muscular physique, grayed straight hair, and a real cute comfortable smile. I know them, I've seen these faces before. When the short man forwarded his hand for a shake "hello, Alia. I'm Doctor John Watson" oh yes I know them, the famous detective & his doctor friend, Sherlock I remember.

Hope you guys like it, let me know if you do, it'll motivate me to write more, better & update you faster. :)

My first language is not English, so please ignore mistakes if any. And if you wish to please let me know, believe me it won't bother me.

Enjoy reading & do not forget to give me perk with your comments.

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