Afterword + Fun Facts

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Afterword + Fun Facts

Hello! Thank you so much for reading until the end, I hope you enjoy this book! This is actually just a little test for me, I'm trying to find my writing style. And because I have nothing left to say (but around a hundred fun facts) let's get to the fun facts, shall we?

Started at 24th April 2017
Finished at 24th April 2017
Published at 25th April 2017

Fun Facts

- I'm 12, I'm going to be 13 this May though! (Written in 24th April 2017, let's see who will read this in the future)

- This book was originally going to be titled as "Forgotten Gold"

- The main female character's name was supposed to be Indigo, but I feel like it's better if I leave her anonymous

- There was going to be a chapter of how the guy read the poem (the last chapter) that she made and how he reacted to it

- English is not my first language (Explains the grammar mistakes)

- I wrote this book in a total of five hours (It's 11:09 p.m now and my butt hurts from sitting on here and my mom is mad at me for bringing my dinner up here to my room but for you guys I do anything!)

- The girl was supposed to commit suicide by overdosing herself or hanging herself, but then the unplanned meeting at the beach came and I was like why the hell not.

- There is no internet when I'm writing this whole story, so I put this all in Microsoft Word

- This book is inspired by some books, mainly:

1. "The Way it Was Before" by raindrops_

2. "Lyra" by clarifications

3. "Three Seconds To Midnight" by clarifications

- My dinner that I brought up to my room consists of McDonalds. Yes. I was eating fries, a big mac and an Oreo McFlurry or something to keep me going

*drops the mic*
*takes a deep breath*

Thank you, and hopefully, see you soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2017 ⏰

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