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I think its time that I cuff Jayden she's just an Angel I think I love her

Jordan: (knocks on door) teo can I talk to u for a moment


I was walking upstairs when I heard people talking

??- Teo ima come out and say it I like u and I haven't stoped since 9th grade

Teo: Listen Jordan......

Jordan really y didn't she tell me I could've stayed out the way I decided to go in there

Jayden: I'm sorry Jordan if u would've told me u liked him I wouldn't have gotten in the way

Mateo: Wait wha-

Jordan: Its okay I mean u seem to like him a lot

Jayden: I do but u can have him

Mateo: Woah wait a sec-

Jordan: Really I mean u liked him a lot

Jayden: Positive u might like him more than I do maybe even love I mean ur my bestfriend and I will do anything for you

Mateo: HOLD TF UP can I please talk

Jayden/Jordan: (Silence)

Mateo: Thank you I never got to finish what I was going to say and you don't even know who I like and may or may not be in love with

Jayden: Well who is it

Jordan: What where u going to say

Mateo: I was going to say Jordan we had our thing back in ninth grade and I messed up I'll admit that I used to love u but my love goes for Jayden right know I hope this doesn't ruin our relationship and I hope it doesn't mess up u and Jayden relationship

Jordan: I respect that I do and ain't no Nigga gone come between me and Jayden (hugs her) I love you

Jayden: I love you too bestfriend

Mateo: Well with that being said
Jayden will u go out with me (Slick how every boy be in 8th grade)

Jayden: Yes (hugs him)

Later that day

Me and Mateo was just chilling on his bed I was on instagram
and he was on snapchat

Somebody sent me a message on snapchat and since I was already on it I mind as well go head and check out the stories
Mateo posted this of me

Somebody sent me a message on snapchat and since I was already on it I mind as well go head and check out the storiesMateo posted this of me

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Caption: Issa Jay 😍💍

So I got on instagram and posted

Jayyden_~ The things I find in my phone 💍😘😍 @shmateo_

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Jayyden_~ The things I find in my phone 💍😘😍 @shmateo_

Mateo: Looks up from phone u real funny

Jayden: That's why u love me (winks)


Desteni:Calm down J u did the right thing

Jordan: (crying) are u sure I mean Ik I'm a good bestfriend but it wasn't up to me it was up to teo

Desteni: I'm sure (hugs her) plus there's plenty more of fish in the sea

Jordan: you're right

Desteni: Ik I'm right I'm always right

Jordan: (looks up and laugh) shut up teni


I made the right decision

New chap coming at chu

The reason it's taking long for me to update why did I try is because these are the last 2 chaps I'm trying to make them long for you guys

Anyway until next time


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