In Deep Water (Michael Phelps Fan Fic)

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In Deep Water (Michael Phelps Fan Fic)

(A/N this story is all original thought and none of these scenes actually happened. please do not copy or pirate anything, unless you have permission from me copyright 2014. Thanks guys. Love you all please comment and vote. by the way this is a short story of only maybe 5-10 chapters.


I had never wanted anything more in my life. When I was little I'd be glued I the television when the men's swimming portion of the summer Olympics came on. Oh boy, I remember all the times Michael Phelps won. Medal after medal. My name is Alexandra and I'm 19 years old. I have never wanted anything else, or worked so hard in my life. I followed strict carb and protein diets. Practicing my heart out at the pool, I was determined to be just like Michael Phelps and go to the Olympics for swimming. I had started swimming when I was a little kid, I think my mom told me I started loving water the moment I took my first bath. My parents have been so supportive of me, they believe that I could one day fulfill my dream......Anyways as I said my name is Alexandra, you can call me Alex. I mostly hang around the jocks at school, I am pretty well known. My nick name on the swim team is Goldie locks because of my natural blonde hair. I have been told my eyes are so blue that if the ocean could talk, it would be going on and on about how jealous it is of them. I have a younger sister, her name is Liz and she is like any other sibling ANNOYING!! Anyhow, I am usually not at home, I am either at the pool, with my friends or chilling with my best friend Peter. He was tall I would say about 6'4, he had that chiseled body and face that looks like angels carved him themselves. All the girls loved him. But he has dated one of the crazed girls but it ended quickly because she tried stalking him and he got a warrant to keep her 4 miles away from him. She moved schools. We have been there for each other forever. We work out together, swim together, etc. I wouldn't say he is like the brother I wish I had because I wouldn't want an older bro (he's only a year older making him 20). We have had an off and on thing for a while but nothing very serious, he says im the only girl for him and yeah I believe it. My parents have always been there for me when I needed them. They always came to cheer me on during swim meets, were always there to help with my training. I had made it to state a few times and I was bound to go to the Olympics and live my dream and hopefully meet my idol. Michael Phelps. Oh my gosh I could go on and on about him. But of course I would keep my cool if I actually met him so he wouldn't be thinking im crazy or anything. Anyhow, back to my swimming career, I had broken any school record that you can name. I was bound to go to the Olympics one day. I have went to state and even nationals because of my record breaking 200 yard swim.*

Chapter one


"Mom, Dad get in here! Michael Phelps is up on the blocks waiting to swim 100 fly!!!" I would jump around in front of the television. My parents laughing would come in and we would all sit in front of the T.V.

There he goes, the 6 foot 4 Michael Phelps takes the gold! *the announcer advises through the screen*

"He did it!!!! He won his 22 medal! Dad can I please go to the Olympics in four years and watch him?" I ask pleading. "Instead of watching...." He pulls out papers with the Olympic symbol on the top " should swim in them." He says handing me, practically speechless, the papers. I hug him and my mother, jumping for joy. The thing that stopped me in my place "But I have to be 15 to participate in the Time Trials. I'm 12.."

"Sweetie, you have four and a half years to get your practice in and I believe that you will be at the top of your game when the time trials come around the corner."

"Thank you so much daddy!!!" I hug my father once more.


"GO ALEX! GOOO!" my best friend Peter said as I went onto my last length of the pool in my famous 200 yard swim. *ahhhh* the crowd cheered as I came in first place by 6 seconds. "New pool record broken and set by Ms. Alexandra Evanston." *the announcer says over the intercom* "Ms. Alex will be competing in California with the National Californian team, she is also expected to swim in the Olympic time trials this summer."

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