Love Is Always Cold ~•~ Loki Laufeyson Fanfiction ~•~

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The suns were setting on Asgardian horizon, the way The Allfather planned for Thor's Coronation. From my balcony you could see the Asgardian's hurriedly walking into the palace, from old to young. It sickened me, to see people witness as Asgards crown falls to an arrogant being like Thor. Even though I am not an Asgardian, but from the realm, Vanaheim. I believe the crown should be handed to Loki instead, at least the kingdom has more chance of thriving.

I left my balcony and walked into my bedroom, pacing in front of my wardrobe of dresses, not being able to decide. "Freya, we are to wear Asgardian colours." Loki said startling me from behind. He came beside me, picking out a beautiful red dress and heels. "I believe, this matches your beauty, does it not?" he asked handing it over, a small blush crept up onto my cheeks as I used my magic to change into my clothes.

"Thank you, Loki." I said giving a curtsy, he held his arm out for me to take, I gladly accepted his offer and linked our arms. We both gracefully walked down the Grand hall red carpet. Awaiting Thor's arrival, the cheering crowds growing louder as Thor flaunted his hammer around, posing and flexing his muscles for the ladies of Asgard. His ego doubling in size with every swoon and cheer he got. "Oh, for the love of Odin." I murmured under my breath, barely audible over the cheering crowd. "Walk down the carpet you fool!" I moaned.

After the crowd died down, Thor walked down the glorious carpet, ending on one knee. Giving a wink to Lady Sif and I. We both rolled our eyes as Odin got up from his golden chair, his cape trailing along behind him.

"Thor Odinson, my heir, my first born. So long entrusted with the mighty hammer, Mjöllnir, forged in the heart of a dying star. It's power has no equal! It's a weapon to destroy or as a tool to build. It is a fit companion for a king. I have defended Asgard, and the lives of the innocent across my realms in the time of the great beginning. Do you swear to guard the nine realms?" Odin bellowed, Thor slowly grinned.

"I swear."

"And do you swear to preserve the peace and to cast aside your selfish ambition and to pledge yourself only to the good of the realms?" Loki and I scoffed silently to ourselves, when isn't't Thor ever thinking of himself? I took a quick glance over to Lady Sif and the Warrior 3, their facial expressions mimicking our thoughts.

"I swear!"

"And on this day, I Odin, All-Father, will proclaim yo-" A loud shudder echoed around the palace, causing the crowd to be sent into distress. The guards quickly entered the hall, evacuating the people of Asgard. There was a rush of people, enough for you to be carried away. Loki had a firm grip placed around my hand, tight enough to keep me close as we followed Odin down to the vault.

It was horrific. Loki and I slowly took in the icy surroundings. Asgardian guards were covered in ice as were the relics. Loki gave my hand a reassuring squeeze as we stopped behind, Thor and the All Father. The stories that Frigga used to tell me as a child, that the blue cube was the casket of ancient winters. It was a beautiful blue, with white swirls. Odin had taken it from the realm of Jotunheim.

Odin seemed to be more focused on the Tesseract than the frozen waste surrounding us. Several of Asgardian relics were covered in the frozen state. The look of confusion that Loki had on his face was mutual. "The Jotun's must pay for what they've done!" Thor spat. Loki and I stepped further away, Thor usual colour of sea blue eyes had darkened, with anger. It would be safer to distance ourselves.

"They have done with their lives- Freya, go to the Bifrost and talk to Heimdal about the intrusion against Asgard and make sure the people of Asgard are safe." The allfather ordered, I gave a nod of understandment before turning to Thor.

"Do not do, anything stupid or something that will risk the lives of Asgard." I warned, I think saying that on behalf of this realm.

"Know your place, I am Kin-"

"You're not king yet! -- Loki, leave with Freya. Calm the citizen's of Asgard."

Loki and I left and hurried to the streets of Asgard, a panic had swept across the realm. Loki released my hand observing a few houses coated with thick layers of ice. We both stood, side by side, not knowing where to start first. "Freya I think it would be a better plan if you went to the bifrost and I went and helped the warrior three and Lady Sif -- Use your magic to teleport."

I closed my eyes, focusing where I wanted to be. The pushing and pulling feeling ended with feeling the rainbow bridge beneath my feet and there stood the great Heimdal; the keeper of the bifrost. Remembering my place in Asgard I gave a low curtsy, showing my respect and walked over to him.

"The great Heimdal, the all father has a question about how the Jotun's got into the Vault?"

His piercing golden eyes matched the palace of Asgard, he stood greatly with little to no emotion on his face, "There's a traitor within this realm, be weary of who you trust." His monotonic raspy deep voice still gave me chills from when I was a small child. I gave a low curtsy, showing my gratitude and vanished from the bridge and into the hall.

Unfortunately landing in the middle of heated discussion between the Gods, "Freya, is it not madness to venture to the frozen wasteland of Jotunheim?" Lady Sif exclaimed at me, I furrowed my eyebrows, clearly missing the subject of the conversation.

"My father fought his way into Jotunheim. Defeated their armies and took their casket! We would just be looking for answers." Thor protested. He wanted to venture to Jotunheim for answers? I stood there in between them all, watching an argument transpire.

"Thor, if I may add, this isn't't like a journey to earth, where you summon a little lightning and thunder where the mortals worship you as a God! This is Jotunheim!" Fendral exclaimed.

I immediately began to feel small, the God's stood arguing amongst themselves, gradually closing in. Due to my small stature I slipped from the circle and fled towards Loki. He looked upon them all with a look of amusement and pitty. The usual look he looks down on Thor with. Being in his presence, I gave a curtsy and stood closer.

"Freya, I have told you an infinite amount of times, you do not need to show your respects by bowing we have been friends since childhood." A blush of embarrassment casted on my cheeks as I sat close to him. Sometimes I forget that Loki is not like Thor, whom has manners and thoughts of equality. More importantly, not as arrogant. That's what I like about him. That's what I've always liked about him.

"What news did Heimdal bring?"

"Huh, oh." I blush, "He says that there's some sort of traitor and need to be careful of whom we trust? So we need not to go to Jotunheim if the traitor's within the walls of Asgard." I say simply watching Loki nod understandingly.

"We're going to Jotunheim!" All colour drained from my face and feeling in my limbs had gone.
He was actually serious...we were going to Jotunheim.

A.N:- Okay so heeey people, how did you like it x) Well I hope you did anyway!

Please comment, vote and follow because you're all awesome people x)

P.S:- Just to let people know, Freya is the Goddess of beauty so yep and this is the re-write of my story off quotev so meh

P.S.S:- Please go check out my wolverine story if you can 'No Remorse' <3

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