Late Night's and Memories (Chanduke)

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Yes more of them. I have no ideas yet for Mcnawayer cri... Also maybe slight Chandukenamara cuz life said so mija...fufufu~ :3

"Now that there's three of us, I've decided to make myself leader! Got it?!"
"Actually, maybe we could switch like ev-"
"Shut up Heather!"
"S-Sorry, Heather..."

"What are you doing out here so late?" Heather Chandler stepped out onto the porch of Heather Duke's house, sitting next to the dark haired woman sitting on one of the steps.

"Just reading.. It seemed like a nice night out so I thought I'd come out here.." Duke quietly sighed and glanced up at the night sky

"Why do you hide your feelings so much?"

Chandler glared at Duke, a little angered, "I don't-" Heather interrupted, "Yes you do. Since we were kids, you've always hid your feelings,"

"Don't tell me to shut up." Duke glanced back at Heather, a small frown formed on her lips. Chandler stared at her in surprise, for she had never heard Duke ever talk back to her.

Heather Mcnamara sleepily walked out to the porch, "What are you two fighting about this time..? Its barely two in the morning geez.." She yawned as she sat next to Chandler. "It's nothing. You should go back.." As Chandler was about to finish her sentence, Mcnamara laid her head down on her lap, "..inside.."

Chandler hesitated for a moment, then rested one hand on Mcnamara's shoulder and gently ran her fingers through her hair. Heather heard Duke snicker behind her, "Hmhm, I never knew you cared that much about your friends," She teased.

Chandler stayed silent and frowned, embarrassed.

It was silent for a while. The only sounds that could be heard was the gentle breeze blowing and Mcnamara's quiet and soft snores.

"You care more about Heather than you care about me. You care in an odd, rude but sentimental way.." Duke said, breaking the silence. "I remember when you slapped her really bad one time.."

"It was for a good reason. And you know it." Chandler replied coldly.


"Happy birthday Heather!" Duke cheered, hugging Mcnamara tightly. Chandler smiled at the two, "You guys are so fucking weird,"

Mcnamara stuck her tongue out, "We love you too!"

Chandler chuckled. She looked at the two chatter and noticed something about Mcnamara. Something that had been on her mind for a while. Chandler walked over to them and cupped Mcnamara's cheeks, looking concerned and angry.

"Your starving yourself, aren't you...?" Mcnamara froze at what Heather said. "N-No. Course not.."

Chandler pushed the girl away, "Don't lie. You are aren't you?!" Duke put her hand in Chandler's shoulder, "You don't have to yell at her.."

Chandler cast Duke a cold look, making the girl take her hand back and shut her mouth.

Heather looked back at Mcnamara, who was holding back tears and looking down at the ground, "Some kids told me that I looked chubby and to stop eating so much..So I-"

Chandler stepped forward and gave Heather a hard slap across the cheek, making Mcnamara squeaked, falling to her knees.

Duke stared in disbelief but stayed quiet

Mcnamara slowly got up from the floor, tears running down her cheeks. Chandler glared at her. "I'm sorry.. I'll stop, okay.." Mcnamara's voice quivered as she spoke.

Heathers One ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon