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Astra pov


My ears rang, protesting the intruding sound.


My body felt tight, making breathing somewhat difficult.


I gasped, bolting upright. Where the hell was I?

I panicked as people started coming in. The beeping got quicker, louder as it continued.

Astra, its ok. Theyre here to help

Rustys statement provided no reassurance, my panic only rose.

The beeping noise got louder, more obnoxious. I went to cover my ears, tears streaming down my face.

I tugging sensation from my fore arm made me jerk away. Something was in my arm, imbedded with a tube like wire attached.

My curiosity made me freeze.
I lightly traced the thin tube with my fingers; it was smooth.

I noticed the people around me once more, frozen; watching my every move.

Were they planning to attack?

Astra, they want to help

Are, are you sure? I watched them warily, the beeping was the only sound.


I sighed, returning my gaze to the thin, smooth, tube. I lightly traced my fingers over it again, enjoying the feel of the smooth object.

I heard each and every one of the peoples steps, slow as two approached, the others leaving.

I kept my gaze fixed on the tube, my hand that was connected rested on the coverings of the sleeping place.

My hand fisted the fabric as the people got even closer, a low growl slipping through when one entered my line of sight.

I could hear what the other was doing; shuffling papers around on the nearby table.

But I watched the one in front of me, a female. I watched her face as she played around with a bag full of liquid.

She caught me looking, a smile graced her face, making her appear even more intimidating.

"Im Nurse Jenna, are you feeling well?" Her smile stayed put, putting me more on edge. My hand gripped the fabric of the covers, tighter in my wariness.

Astra. She wants to help us Rusty pleaded.

But I was put on edge by her. Her scent was somewhat familiar, having the same tang that His had. She exuded a sense of higher rank, the same rank He held.

The rank of Alpha.

The beeping droned, picking up a slight speed as my breathing got heavier.

Memories to when He would beat me. When His sense of control overwhelmed me, no matter the times I had submitted.

I whimpered from the memories, shaking as they were played over and over again in my mind.

I barely registered the shouting, the beeping close by, even the slam of the door was quiet to His yells; playing back, over and over again.

Something touched my arm. I jerked away violently, feeling His hands.
I rubbed my arm, scratching at it, trying desperately to get rid of the feeling.

I looked around, hoping He wasnt there. But He wasnt. Only another man, the one that had been shuffling through the papers.

I gazed at him, taking in his reddish brown hair, slight stubble and soft hazel colored eyes.

His smile was genuine and caring.

I stared, watching what he might do.

He ran his fingers over the small thin tube. "Do you know what this is?"

I shook my head.

"Its called an IV line. It connects to this bag-" he pointed to the plastic bag that had clear liquid in it. "- which has IV fluid. The fluid-" he ran his fingers back down the IV line. "- keeps you healthy." He then gently tapped the needle that was in my arm.

I smiled, nodding my head slightly.

"Im Nurse Michael, I could be your assigned nurse if you prefer." He ran his hand through his hair nervously.

I smiled, nodding again.

He smiled back. "Im sorry about Nurse Jenna, shes our best nurse. But for some reason she acts strangely around some patients. I hope she wasnt too much of a bother."

I reluctantly shook my head, trying for a confident smile. 

He smiled back, "Ill be back soon to check on you. Why dont you get some rest, huh?"

I nodded, watching as he smiled before leaving the room, closing the door behind him.

Why wouldnt you talk?

I-i dont know. I just felt like I shouldnt

I sighed. Maybe you could figure this out later

I nodded my agreement, lying down as a wave of exhaustion swept over me. I yawned before falling asleep.

Extra long chapter cause i havent been updating many of my stories. 😄😄😄😄😄


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