"Whatever, who cares if he knows?" Luke replied pushing me back from his chest and leading me down the corridor.

"I do!" I said but Luke didn't have time to reply as we walked into the kitchen where the rest of our families were sitting and eating breakfast.

"What took you two so long?" Olly smirked as he sat down with a plate piled high with scrambled eggs. I narrowed my eyes at him as Luke said, "Soph wasn't even out of bed by the time I went to get her."

Once we had finished eating breakfast, Luke and I left the rest of our families and made our way down to the beach.

"Volleyball then sunbathe? Or sunbathe then volleyball?" Luke asked as we reached our normal spot at the back of the beach away from the screaming children and families.

"Sunbathe first," I smiled as I spread out my towel in front of me and popped myself down on top of it. Luke mirrored my actions, taking his top off before lying down on his blue towel. I reached over for my small beach bag and grabbed my ray bans.

"Not going to take your dress off?" Luke smirked, turning his head so he was facing me.

"Already wanting to get me out of my clothes, huh?" I giggled as I sat up and pulled my dress over my head. I smirked when I saw Luke's eyes raking up and down my body. "Hey my eyes are up here," I ordered, making his eyes snap up to mine.

"Yeah sorry," he smiled sheepishly as he turned back up towards the sky.

"Don't worry, I know I look good." I chuckled cockily.

"I look better," he almost instantly replied, his cocky smirk slipping back onto his lips as he propped himself up on one elbow.

For once I didn't have a comeback so I just sat there staring into his gorgeous blue eyes and said nothing. After a while his smirk grew more prominent,

"I win!" He chirped, rolling back on to his back.

"You do not!" I countered even though I knew he had.

"Yeah I did and you know it! You didn't have a comeback!" He continued, a smile forming on his perfect pink lips.

Once again I was lost for words, so just pouted as I lay back on my towel. I heard Luke chuckled happily as he realised I had given in.

"You've won this one but never again," I challenged, trying to sound serious but a smile was playing at the corner of my lips.

"I highly doubt that," Luke asked, suddenly on top of me. He was using his forearms to hold himself up and his face was almost touching mine. As he spoke his breath tickled the tip of my nose and I wanted nothing more than to press my lips against his.

He licked his lips, distracting me from thinking of a response. I gulped loudly, my whole mind going blank. Since when did he start having this effect on me? Normally I was the only girl who could come up with witty remarks and smart comebacks to him but know I had turned into one of those girls that fell at his feet and felt weak when he so much as looked at them.

I couldn't let that happen.

"Believe me Luke, my comebacks are going to have you lost for words." I breathed making sure to lean towards him so my lips were almost touching his neck. He shuddered slightly as I spoke causing a smirk to slip on to my lips.

"Soph you should know this by now. I am never lost for words." He challenged his lips so close to mine now that when he spoke his lips brushed against mine. I bit my lips trying to hide the moan that was threatening to escape my throat.

"Well game on then Luke," I stated as I slipped my hands round his neck and tangled them into his hair. Slowly I inched my lips closer to his and gently pressed my lips to his. As soon as I felt him kiss back I pulled away leaving a shocked expression on his face. "That certainly left you speechless," I giggled as I slipped out from under him and sprinted towards the sea.

I hadn't even made it half way to the sea when Luke's arms snaked around me waist. I shrieked as he flung me onto his shoulders and carried me towards the sea.

"You're going to pay for that Sophie," he called as he continued to march towards the sea. I thumped his back but he didn't even seem to notice.

His grip suddenly loosened on me and my hands immediately tightened around him. "Please Luke!" I begged but knowing there was no point.

Luke laughed as he threw me into the sea. I landed with a splash my mouth filling with water. I swam to the surface chocking on the salty water.

I looked back at Luke who was hunched over he was laughing so hard. I narrowed my eyes at him and leapt towards him. I was on top of him before he even looked up. He gasped as I landed on top of him and tipped him into the water. However, some how he managed to hold onto me and pull me down with him. I didn't care though; I was already soaked from when he had thrown me in.

We spent the next couple of hours in the sea before both of us started to get hungry.

After lunch Lake and I made our way to the volleyball courts which were already crowded. We weaved our way through the people and to the front of spectators. Just as we reached the front the game seemed to finish and players walked of the pitch. Luke immediately grabbed my hand and dragged me onto the sandy court. Within a couple of seconds enough players had gathered on the pitch and we split into two teams before going into two huddles to talk tactics. Luke and I had ended up on different teams but I still knew most of my teams from previous summers here.

I turned to look at the other team who all had their heads together in a huddle. I narrowed my eyes when I caught Luke's eye and mouthed 'you're going down' before turning my focus back to my team.

By half time my team was in the lead by one point. I smirked as I walked past Luke to change sides.

"You're going down O'Conner," I whispered to Luke making sure to lean just a bit too close to him.

I gave the rest of my team a high five as they walked past, some of the congratulating me on our winning point.

I had managed to smash the ball right into Luke's chest. I felt slightly bad as it looked like it might have hurt, but of course he wouldn't admit that. The final player in my team stopped beside me, I think his was Marcus.

"Nice play Sophie," he smiled as he stood beside me.

"Thanks, you weren't too bad yourself." I teased even though I had barely noticed him play.

"Thanks. So I was wondering if you would like to hang out sometime?" He asked, taking a step closer to me so our bodies were nearly touching.

"Um..." I mumbled not really sure what to say. He seemed like a nice guy but Luke and I hadn't really specified the rules of this whole friend with benefits thing. Was I allowed to go on dates with other guys? But I didn't have to answer that question,

"She's with me," Luke said gruffly, almost angrily.

"Oh sorry man, I didn't know," Marcus responded his hands in the air as he took a step back.

"I'll see you guys around," he smiled before walking back over to his friends who were gathered at the side of the court.

"Thanks," I smiled.

"No problem. So do you want to get out of here?" Luke asked, taking my hand in his and pulling me out through the crowd.

"Definitely" I responded.

AN: Sorry it's short and boring. I promise the next chapter will be longer and more interesting this is just a filler chapter.

Also as I have now finished my other story, I wasn't meant to fall in love with you (check it out), I will now be uploading this one once a week J

Please comment and vote.

Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes.

Best friends with Benefits (Completed)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя