"Listen, Jessica, I know you're mad because I told you to reject Mitchell when you told me about him. But I hope you have it in you to forgive me some-day." He says looking down, "Oh, here's your next clue." He says as if he's just remembered that he had it. 

'Meet me at your favorite place in the world for the next clue.'

Okay, he's being weird. I look at Jackson and decide that he's been punished enough, as he was walking towards the door, I ran up to him and hugged him. 

"Thank you for everything you've done for me. You'll always be my second father." I feel him tense but then hug me back. 

"Okay, sweetheart. I'll always be here for you, and as much as I hate his pack, Mitchell is allowed whenever he likes." He says while pulling away.

"Thank you." I kissed him on the cheek and got back into my truck. To Starbucks.

Mitchell's P.O.V 

"Guys, Jackson just called and said she just left. We have about an hour, considering when she gets to Starbucks she'll order something. We need to get this done." I say to Jake and Sam. They've been helping with this all day, helping me set up this whole proposal. She has no idea and I'd like to keep it that way. I know she's going to love this, especially because I got Sam to ask her how she wanted to be proposed to.

Jess's P.O.V 

When I got to Starbucks, Taylor was there with an envelope. Ya see, Taylor has become one of my close friends. I met her here, at Starbucks last year. She's very sweet, actually.

"Hi, Jessica," the only thing I don't like about her is that she calls me Jessica, "here's your next clue. But, you have to order something so that the surprise will be ready for you," she handed me my usual, white chocolate mocha, and told me to sit down. 

'Come back when you're finished, baby.' 



When I was done with my coffee, I looked outside and it was dark out. Poop. I said goodbye to Taylor and drove back home. 

I got home and all the lights were out. I flipped the light switch and I saw another envelope. These are cute, but they're starting to get on my nerves. 

'Just turn the t.v on and watch.'

I roll my eyes and sit on the couch. Like I was told, I turn the t.v on and smiled when I saw the 'Walt Disney Productions' symbol come up. The movie showed clips of almost all of the disney movies I've ever seen. The thing is, the clips were all talking about the princesses in the movie. Okay...?

When the movie was over, Mitchell came on the screen. 

"Hey Princess, I know you're confused but go outside and it will all make since... Okay, well go outside now. If you're not already outside that is, I mean you need to go outside- whatever. Just go outside." I laugh at his awkwardness. He's so cute.

I walk outside to see a whole bunch of lights hung about through the trees and a lot cut-out hearts and one big heart in the middle. I walked over to the biggest one, and picked it up to see it was folded in half. Something was written inside it. 

'Now that you have my heart, will you marry me? p.s turn around'

Being cliche, I put my hand over my mouth and turned around. There, Mitchell was kneeling on one knee with a box in his hand. 

"Can I have your hand?" I nodded and gave him my hand," Jessica, I love you with everything I have. I love the way you obsess over old movies, I love the way your eyes light up when you see one of the pups running around the house. I love the way you're so easy-going. There is no one else in the entire world that I would rather spend the rest of my life with, than you. So, Jessica Mae Howard, will you marry me?" He opens the box to reveal a princess-cut diamond ring.

I had tears in my eyes and I couldn't say anything so I just nodded my head really fast. "yes, yes, yes, a million and ten times yes!" I screamed hugging him. 

Well dang, I guess I'm engaged. That's when it hits me. 

"Wait, did you get permission from Jackson? I know I haven't talked to him in forever, but I want him to be okay with this an-" Mitchell cuts me off, laughing. 

"Yes, princess. He said he's okay with us getting married as long as I make you happy." I sigh in relief. "I love you." He whispers into my ear. I smile and kiss him.


Finally. I'm so happy. That's actually how I want to get proposed to. I love the heart thing especially. It's corny. Haha, yea. This isn't the end of the book. I've still got a few chapters left. 

Thank you all so much for reading and supporting this book. It means the absolute world to me. I love you so much. 

Song of the Chapter: Latch - by Disclosure 

Quote of the Chapter: I believe in pink. I believe laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing. Kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles. ~ Audrey Hepburn 

Please go read my other book, "Kidnapped." Pleassseeee? I love you so much.

If you self-harm, you're worth so much more than that razor, or lighter, or any of it. I love you and I'm here for you. 

She sits at home with the lights out seeing life in different colours

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