a sad beginning

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10 years ago, a boy walking home with his parents in the rain. They are not poor, but movies were rare because everyone was always busy, this was a rare occasion of leaving a movie. The child being five, skips between them. He's happy being with his parents but as they walk a man stops them and the boys face turns nervous. The man shoots the mother, the father tries to jump the guy and also gets shot. The man runs off and the boy shakes his mom. 'Mommy..' He sits their waiting for a response but gets none. 'Daddy' he says as he shakes his father. He waits for a response and gets none, tears build up as he begins to cry, he runs away slipping every little bit, and clumsily hitting walls until finally stopping and sliding down a wall. Sirens are faint but can still be heard. Now this boy is in college. This boy is me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2017 ⏰

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