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Artie waited as the taxi driver walked around to the back of the car and dragged his folded up wheelchair out from the trunk. He had decided to get a cab, as it was January and the streets were iced with that gross, sludgy snow, something that didn't prove too easy to wheel around in. He was eager to see Rachel and hear all about the show, however there had been only one thing on his mind ever since he landed back in New York just 2 hours ago.


They would call each other every now and then, but even their weekly conversations had turned into monthly conversations, and then hardly at all. It's not like he didn't think about her anymore, that would have been impossible to do. Tina was his first love, and even though things had gotten rough there for a bit, they had still remained best friends throughout high school. They told each other everything, even when they weren't together. It was like this crazy bond that they couldn't seem to break, and now, everything had changed. Tina had told him about Brown, she seemed happy there. But Artie could help but wish that she had come to New York with them. Maybe then things would've been different, or better yet, maybe things would've been the same.

And now she was here. Artie mentally kicked himself for not being there to welcome her to the city with the rest of their friends, but then he remembered he really didn't have a choice. As Mercedes had told him, the Ft. Lauderdale International Short Film Festival was a big deal, and Rachel was not going to let him miss it for her. The taxi driver banged on the door, disturbing his thoughts and he opened the door, allowing the man to assist him into the chair. He thanked the man, and within 10 seconds the taxi was gone, leaving him alone on the street outside Rachel and Kurt's apartment in Bushwick.

He suddenly became overwhelmed by a feeling of dread. How will she react when she sees him? What if she's mad at him for failing to keep in touch over the last few months? He sighed, reluctantly releasing the brakes on his wheelchair and entered the building.

After the seemingly long trip up the elevator, Artie wheeled down the corridor and stopped before the large sliding metal door which marked number 56. He took a large breath, and knocked heavily on the door. He heard a slight bustle through the door, before it was slid open, revealing the tall figure of Kurt Hummel.

"Hey!" Kurt remarked at the sight of the boy in the wheelchair, then turned back to shout, "Guys, It's Artie!".

Artie attempted a casual smile, and came forward into the apartment, "Hi", he exclaimed as his friends came forward, hugging and greeting him. And then he saw her. His heart skipped as he watched her walk towards him, a big smile spread across her face, and his eyes lit up. She looked beautiful. A toothy smile inched across his face as she bent down and wrapped her arms around him, pulling him close.

"Hey Artie!"

"Hey Tee."

The weirdly nostalgic feeling of Tina's embrace made his heart dance. "Oh god", he thought to himself, "this isn't happening".

The two friends broke apart, and Tina's eyes seemed to sparkle as she stood up straight, which mad him grin childishly at her.

"So, Bluetooth," his trance was interrupted by none other than Santana Lopez, who had now retreated to the armchair in the corner. "How was your boring festival thing that sounded too lame for me to remember the name of?".

He smiled bitterly at Santana, and ignored the expected snark of the question. "Well, I didn't win anything, but first years usually don't so I don't really mind. It was a good experience anyway".

"Well, we're glad you had a good time," said Blaine, giving him a pat on the shoulder and taking a seat on the couch.

"More importantly," Artie declared, turning towards an excited looking Rachel, "How was the show!".

Rachel let out a loud sigh, and squeaked, "It was amazing!" She picked a copy of the New York Times up off of the coffee table and practically threw it at him in excitement, "We went down to the stalls this morning and bought the first copy of the day, I couldn't wait any longer- it was killing me!".

Artie skimmed through the review beneath the sudden murmur of agreement from the group.

"Oh god Artie you should've seen me, I was so nervous- and I really don't get nervous before performances and my dads say that's because when I was 4 I had this huge ballet recital, and then-"

"Dude, we were up all night," she was interrupted by a grouchy looking Sam, "I don't think I've been this sleep deprived since Mercedes made me watch that stupid horror movie about the clowns in the sewers" he said glancing over at his girlfriend, who glared at him in return and Tina giggled behind her.

Artie finished reading the review and put down the paper, "This is so great Rachel, I'm really happy for you". He gave her a hug while she thanked him.

"We were actually just talking about going out for a celebratory dinner tonight, you in Artie?" Kurt asked, leaning against the couch.

"Uh, yeah, sounds good" he replied with a grin.  

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