Heaven's a Butterfly Kiss Away

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QueenOfDisco is so wonderful and I am obsessed with this tag. I am still sorting through a list of 90 songs to narrow it down to 30 for my personal Purple Soundtrack. But I wanted to go ahead and post my album for the bonus question. This was absolutely a no-brainer for me. LoveSexy is perfection... like the package as a whole. The album, aesthetic, tour production, mythology surrounding its inception, everything about LoveSexy draws me in completely.

LoveSexy came to me in a time when I really needed it

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LoveSexy came to me in a time when I really needed it. K_N_M222 here comes another LoveSexy rant!! Thank you for always taking those in stride, haha. I was absolutely lost at the time... I felt so broken in more ways than one. I didn't know what I needed or what I was looking for I just knew there was such a deep dark hole that I had found within myself. I am not religious but I do consider myself a very spiritual person and the first moment I heard this album it spoke to me on so many levels. Love, Lust, Spirit, Freedom... Freedom... Freedom from myself and that feeling of hopelessness. I must have listened to it for 3 days straight over and over non-stop. The lyrics made me feel connected not just to Prince or LoveSexy... but to everyone around me. How we can affect others around us with just our soul, our outlook, and how powerful our words can truly be.

Anna Stesia was the lyrics and sound I found myself in, the beauty within the stark chords as he plays on the piano

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Anna Stesia was the lyrics and sound I found myself in, the beauty within the stark chords as he plays on the piano... I found my emotions and space reflected in that. Such a deep desperation to find anything to make you just be able to feel. His pleading for salvation through God... through Love... was such a resonating moment for me. He was able to convey everything I had been unable or unwilling to say. I think so many of us can connect with that type of loneliness and in knowing that, it let me see that I wasn't as empty as I thought I was. That I deserved love too... the way I wanted to be... needed to be.

Positivity so many different elements to this song

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Positivity so many different elements to this song. And I still use it as a daily affirmation, haha. You are the one at the end of the day in charge of yourself and your emotions. You are also in control of how you perceive people and their story. Help each other, we are all here to live and striving to be a better person, a more positive person helps out those around you more than you can imagine.

LoveSexy vs

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LoveSexy vs. SpookyElectric maybe it's my stance on religion but I have never equated this as a straight up God vs. Devil scenario. I think LoveSexy is something within in all of us, a level of enlightenment and being self-aware. We all need to cross the line, reach for the light, find our guiding angel. LoveSexy is the perfection of self in a positive manner... reaching out without fear. Spooky on the other hand is that personal negativity, that voice inside us that screams of our worthlessness and failures, that tells us to hate and to fear without reason. Not necessarily evil... but doubt, self-doubt breeds terrible things and that can take over a person's soul... Hold on to Your Soul... We got a long way to go.

Gospel Album Prince considered this his gospel album

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Gospel Album Prince considered this his gospel album... I see so many crossing elements and themes within it. Not just because he is striving for salvation within its songs but because he is trying to show us the way to LoveSexy... it isn't through sex or money or control... all of these things need to be turned over in order to reach for a higher power within us all. What do you think?

One day I hope to reach my LoveSexy and I hope all of you do too

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One day I hope to reach my LoveSexy and I hope all of you do too.

Don't kiss the beast... be superior as least.

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