Chapter one

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Tony's POV:

Tony sat in Monet's, his head down, a warm cup of coffee in hand. Brad and Tony had got into a huge fight it ending in a break up

'Hey Tony.. What's wrong?' Skye asked

He looked up to Skye and replied,"Brad and I got into a huge fight .He hates that I spend so much time with Clay. And... he broke up with me."

Skye's face sadden and she shook her head
"Tony I'm so sorry... "

The door of Monet's opened and Clay walked in looking around looking for a table  to sit at. He spotted Tony and Skye, he noticed how sad Tony looked. He made his way over to the table. He gripped on to his backpack straps. Skye smirked lightly.

'ill get your coffee Clay and its on me" Skye said as she walked towards the counter.

"Tony... what's wrong?"

"Brad broke up with me..." he looked down and sighed.

"Tony I'm sorry.."
Clay sat down across from Tony, thinking to himself
"Well now that your single... I can finally tell you how I feel.. maybe you feel the same. I hope you do"

"It's not because of me... right?"
Tony looked up and then back down not saying a word to him.


"Yes... he was jealous that I was spending time with you even after you gave Mr.Porter the tapes." He said as he looked up.

"I'm sorry...want me to tal..."
Tony stopped him in mid sentence.

"No.. it's fine.. I'll be okay Clay"
Clay just nodded but yet mentally cheered in his head. Yes if you haven't noticed yet Clay likes Tony. Clay hasn't come out to anyone other than Skye. Clay is bisexual. He doesn't know when he'll come out to Tony or well anyone else for that matter.

Tony sat there in silence wanting to vent, and tell Clay something that he had been keeping in for a while. Yes Tony liked Clay back. But he was pretty sure that Clay was straight. He chewed his lip, he had noticed he had been starring at Clay.

"Tony!' Clay said waving his hand in front of him. He jumped from his thoughts looking down embarrassed.

"Sorry.. umm"

'you want to go the cliff? Talk? I can tell you want to vent and get things off your chest" Clay asked the small boy that sat in front of him.

Tony looked at Clay with a small. "Sure"

Clay stood up as Skye brought over his drink. "Thanks" he smiled and took it from her.

The two boys got into the red car and drove to the cliff. Once the reached the cliff. Tony parked the car and got out. Clay gets out and walks to Tony.

"Tony I'm really sorry for what I did.. I feel horrible for it. I didn't mean too. You were just being a great friend"

Tony sighed and began to walk, Clay followed him

"Clay don't feel that, you needed someone to be there for you and I wanted to the be that person... Brad.. he didn't understand, even after I told him about Hannah and what happened."

Clay  nodded and stopped as he looked out over the city. The sun was starting to set and the wind picked up.

"Clay... what's yo.. "
Tony stopped himself and chews his lip . 

"Hmm Tony? "He looked at the small boy that stood next to him.

"What I met  to say was , why do you always ride your bike?"

Clay chuckles and shook his head smiling
"Well uhh I never learned how to drive a car" Clay rubbed the back of his neck, starting to walk up the hill of the cliff. Tony nodded and chuckles walking beside him.

"I can teach you.. if you want" Clay nodded and smiled looking at the smaller boy as they walked.

"You can tell as much as you want, I'll listen. I will be truthfully honest. I never really liked Brad"

Tony nods and smiles halfway
"Yeah?... I get that I should've told Brad that i was helping you get through something and maybe he wouldn't of been jealous then.. but after I told him and he still was jealous.. yeah.."

Clay reached over and lightly padded the boys shoulder.

"You'll be okay ... trust me. You'll find someone"

Tony nodded.

Clay thought to himself maybe this is a good time to come out to Tony, Tony is getting stuff off his chest, so why can't Clay?

" okay? You seem to have something ok your mind"

"I have to tell you something, you'll be the second person I've told.."

Tony nods and looks at the boy that stood next to him wondering what's on his mind

Clay chewed his lip, he rubbed the back of his neck. Clay knew Tony wouldn't judge him... so why was he nervous to tell him?

Tony reached over and put his hand on Clays shoulder. "Clay I won't judge you.. please tell me. It will be okay. If I have to help you.. I will"

Clay nodded. He looked to Tony. "Come on Clay just tell him. He won't judge you." He told himself.


"Sorry sorry.. it's not anything bad.. it's just I don't want to hit you with this since your going through a break up.." Clay said looking at him.

Tony sighed and looked down.
"Clay don't worry about that... I'm fine.. yes I am little hurt but I'd rather have boyfriend who trust me and isn't jealous after I told him the truth of what was going on and why I was helping you.. but it's obviously something that you want to get off your chest. I won't judge you. I promise Clay. Everything will be okay once you tell me"

Clay smiled a little and looked down shaking his head. If Clay ever wanted find out if Tony felt the same, he'd needed to tell him.

Clay looked to Tony.

"I've only told this to Skye... but" he looked to the spot where Tony came out to him and then back to Tony.

Tony nods.

"Tony.. I'm bisexual."

Clay looked down to ground chewing his lip


Well that's the first chapter!! Did you like it?
Updates will be a little slow, my friend and I writing this together and summer break is about to start!!
PM us if you have any ideas for the book!

- C & M

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