{Chapter Two} Lynn, Lottie, Evie, and Livia

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"I call to drive my car!" Lexi said swinging her keys with her fingers.

"I call to drive my car!" Lexi said swinging her keys with her fingers

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{Lexi's Car}

Tabitha sighed, "Alright fine! But I call front seat!" She jumped in the air but stopped when Adriana said the same thing.

"Rock paper scissors?" Adriana asked. "And then it will be settled?"

Tabitha smiled and nodded. She agreed to take the challenge.

"But no fighting, Adri and Tabs." Taylor walked by them and opened the side of her door.

"Rock, Paper, Scissors, Shoot!" They both said and they let out their responses.

"YES!" Tabitha yelled in excitement.
"God damn it!" Adriana replied back.

"Thats okay. You'll get it on the way to our vacation! Our treat, right?" Lexi smiled.

"Yeah, of course..." Adriana sighed.

"You guys have fun, I'll just be hanging out in the back." Clare opened the trunk to get in the Car.

"I'll follow you, Carla!" Londyn smiled and followed Clare to the back.

"It's Clare, or Clarissaah, not Carla." Clare growled.

"Alright! I'm sorry! Geez." She replied back.

Cedes got in with Adriana. Lexi put the keys into the ignition, stepped on the petal, and drove off to the girls house.

Cedes and Adriana talked about how excited they were as Londyn tried to start a conversation with Clare.

"So how's life?" Londyn asked

"I guess it's fine, where are you from?" Clare replied back.

"My parents house. I ran away from my dad." Londyn said as she took a minute to answer.

"At least you have your dad." Clare looked out the window.

"What do you mean? Where are your parents at?" Londyn looked down.

Clarissaah held her diary, "I would appreciate it if you kept them out of the conversation." She later ignored the rest of the chat.


Tabitha was jamming out to Shawn Mendes all the way to their house, they all got out of the car and walked over to the house. Cedes rang the door bell.

"Oh 'M' to the 'G'!" Lynn jumped up and down and hugged Cedes tight. "It's my long, lost sister!"

Cedes smiled as she nervously laughed, "heh, it's me!"

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