Chapter 23. Flicker

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She scoffed. "I forgot, you've shown me so many ways in which you care for me. No Demetri, you care for what I have to offer. So stop pretending."

Her words cut like a knife, but he understood. When an animal is wounded, they lash out in any way they can to protect themselves.

"I'm sorry."

Her eyes, though focused on the table in front of her, slowly trailed to him. The way they met his almost made him shiver. They were so intense, so . . . vulnerable it seemed.

"What am I supposed to do?" Her question floated throughout the air, and for once, Demetri didn't have an answer.

"I guess, now that most of the truth is out, the rest is up to you."

He wanted to touch her shoulder, in assurance that she wasn't alone. But he was the ignition to the fire. He could send a spark just as easily as blinking. One touch is enough to set her off. That much he knew.

"You make it seem as though there is more information," she replied with anger gathering in her eyes.

"Yes, but only when you're ready to hear it. And this time you'll have your answers when you're ready."

The red left her eyes and she seemed to be pulled back into her thoughts once again. They were quiet for a second, almost too quiet. It bothered Demetri - made his fingers twitch with anticipation.

"What is Reese?" She then asked.

Relief fluttered through Demetri. At least she was now curious and emitting some kind of emotion.

"We call them Peacekeepers. It's his job to keep the peace between packs during this time. Reese has special abilities and can do a lot with his Magyk. He created that portal that led us into that room, and when he showed you our prophecy. As a Peacekeeper, he's not allowed to make an allegiance to pack when there are two battling for supremacy."

"Two packs you and Landon?"

"Yes," He nearly smiled at the fact that she was slowly being subjected to his world, on her own terms without secrecy. He liked that she showed interest in his world despite his demise.

"I know you're telling me more, but I still feel confused. This whole prophetic vision thing..." She trailed off, frustration nipping her very being. She felt like the rug had been pulled out from under her. How was she supposed to move on? How was she supposed to simply be?

"I'll explain the best I can. There are situations like mine and Landon's, where two packs exist in one location. Alpha's were not meant to follow, but to lead. That can't happen when there are two in the area."

"And you can't just, split up territory?"

"It doesn't work that way. Territory has a vast amount of meanings in my world. Territory means more than a state, or town. Territory comes with allies, enemies, resources."

"I still don't see why you can't share. Or did mommy not teach that in the sandbox?" She grew bitter again. This conversation seemed pointless. Two men, angry, wanting something they couldn't have. Sounded a lot like humanity to Venus, and to be honest, she was damn well sick of humanity right now.

"Landon and I can't battle without a Guardian. You. In past centuries, the Guardians helped settle disputes, and when the time is right, place herself beside a pack. The losing pack becomes a part of the other and the Alpha is often turned away to exile or is forced to abandon his rank to be part of the pack as the lowest rank."

"That sounds awful. And stupid." She said.

"It may seem that way, but there is more involved. Politics, and trade. Wits. There are other Peacekeepers with different agendas. They're all powerful, and they disobey the laws because they created them. The head council member is very old and believes in the Prophecy more than he believes in anything else. He'll do anything to see it through."

The Waitress and the Wolf (Book 1 of The Guardian series)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang