'Tobin please come back with me' she spoke in a soft sweet voice. 'Lauren you know I care about you, but we just aren't meant to be anything more than good friends. The only reason I told Alex differently is because I knew she wouldn't let me go if I didn't. I told you when you showed up that I didn't want anything between us that was real.' Tobin said and my heart sped up again, but I also felt pained to know she lied to me. 'Tobin she doesn't love you. You need to be happy and move on. You deserve someone that makes you feel loved.' I felt anger rise in me fast. 'Your right she doesn't' I felt like I couldn't breathe. 'but I will always love her and I will never be happy. Nothing you or anyone can give me can make me happy. I can never not love her, and I can't love anyone else the way I do her.' I felt like running to her and just telling her I'm her's, I've always been her's. I was indeed about to do so when I forgot I left my phone in Ryder's room and decided I better go get it. The whole walk there my mind was filled with thoughts of Tobin. When I reached the room and it was opened I looked in the sight I saw made me feel like I was frozen still. It didn't register for a second but when it did I instantly let the tears fall. I covered my mouth to not let them hear me and ran out. I just witnessed my future husband completely nude, hovering over a girl I couldn't see. I ran out with out them even noticing and just ran as fast as my legs could go. My vision was blurry from all the tears till I ran into someone coming off the elevator.

'Alex?' the voice asked while helping me up. I quickly knew that voice as Tobin's girlfriend's. 'Y-yeah sorry I-I didn't mean to run into you' I said trying to not stumble over my soft cries. 'Do you want me to get Tobin?' She asked and I wanted to beg her to but why would she offer? 'Why would you?' I asked. 'Well sweetheart as mad as it makes me and as much as I dislike you for it.... she loves you... it will kill her to see you like this.' she said and before I can protest she runs off. I start sobbing again not being able to control it. Minutes later Laure comes back with Tobin right on her heels. 'Alex? It's me, Tobin. You're going to be okay.' She whispered soothing things to me and she hugged me to her. Soon my cries died down some and she finally spoke again. 'Can you tell me what happened?' she asked and I didn't respond I quickly took my ring off, and threw it at the wall across from us. She was beyond shocked. 'Alex what in the hell is wrong-' I cut her off by turning to her, grabbing her face, and passionately kissing her. She responded instantly and it made my heart happy again, but she soon pulled back. 'Alex you can't do that. You are engaged to-' I cut her off. 'Really? I don't think I am going to be anymore considering I just found him fucking another girl.' I said and when I did I saw something in Tobin's eyes I haven't seen since Servando... pure hate. She got up and pulled me with her. 'Go to the room' she commanded, but I didn't listen. I followed her as I soon realized she was going towards his room. When we reached his room  she went straight in. I stood right outside with my back to the wall, a little scared. I could hear a girl scream and Ryder yell at her, and then some loud ruckus coming from the room. The girl came running out fast and then Ryder came out and he had a bloody nose. He turned to see me standing there. 'It's not what it looks like' he said grabbing my arm keeping me from running away. He has such a tight grip I can feel my arm bruising. 'Leave Ryder, I never want to see you again.' I spat, but instantly regretted it because he pushed me hard against the wall. 'You do as I say Morgan and I say we aren't done here'. I bit my lip to keep from crying, but he was really hurting me. 'Kiss me. Kiss me like the dirty slut you truly-' he was cut off by Tobin pushing him off me and into the other wall. She had him by the throat and I was a little bit scared. 'Dumb ass you had it all. You had everything. You had Her. You were going to have her for the rest of your life man. How could you be so stupid.' She yelled gripping his threat so much he was starting to gag. 'Man how could you? I should kill you. You took my everything and then treated it like this. Brother you had the gold in my life... the happiness.' He grip tightened more, but her voice wasn't yelling anymore. Her voice sounded like a vulnerable whimper almost, like she was crying. She had him so tight he couldn't breathe anymore, and I felt like she could actually kill him. I knew I had to do something. I walked up to her quick, rapping my arms around her from behind and whispering in her ear. 'Let him go Tobin. I am okay and so are you.' She instantly relaxed a little and loosened her grip just a tad. 'If I ever see you near her again, you have my word, I will kill you.' She said before dropping him to the floor and he ran off faster than I've ever seen him run. Tobin didn't turn around to look at me and I felt like just rapping my arms around her again. I slowly made my way in front of her so that I was between her and the wall. I gasped in shock when I saw her face, she had a black eye forming and her nose was bleeding. 'Shit Tobin you are hurt' I said gently pressing my hand to her cheek. 'I'll be alright, but are you okay?' She asked in a shaky voice. I didn't respond I just hugged her. She hugged me back and I mumbled into her neck 'I am now'. She righted her grip on me and I was so happy in this moment. 'Lets go get cleaned up, plus we need to pack to leave tomorrow.' Tobin said while pulling away. I just smiled and nodded okay.

When we got to the room she turned to me and just looked at me. 'I am going to hop in the shower, I'll pack after.' She said and before I could respond she was behind a closed door. I laid there thinking about Tobin and all the things she has said and done for me. 'I want you to stay in the new place I got in Portland till you are back on your feet, I don't want you living with him.' her voice came from where she was standing in the bathroom doorway in gym shorts and sports bra. I didn't know what to say. I was so happy she wanted me with her, but not that it was just till I am up on my feet again. I guess she thought I didn't want to because she said 'if you don't want to stay with me then I'll get you a place of your own for the time being' I quickly respond shaking my head. 'No Tobin I want to stay with you. I am perfectly fine with that. Thank you.' I said and she just nodded in agreement and began to pack. Soon after both of us were packed Tobin had gotten into her bed and a got into mine. I started to feel alone and cold, but I didn't miss Ryder, I didn't want Ryder. I want my Toby. 'T-Tobin?' I spoke before noticing and you can her the hesitation in my voice. 'Yeah Alex' she said into the dark. 'Can you hold me? Only you?' I whispered the last part hoping she wouldn't hear. She didn't answer and I felt my heart drop and tears forming in my eyes. I was shocked when I felt my bed shift a little, but when an arm rapped around me, pulling me close all my fear and doubt was erased. I pushed my back more into her front, fitting us together perfectly. I could feel her breathing steadily on the back of my neck. I with out notice, placed my hand on top of her's that rested on my stomach. She parted her fingers slightly and I laced mine through her's perfectly. I could spend the rest of my life... just like this.

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