Crona's Valentines

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"Hey Crona, would you like to go shopping with me and Liz?" Maka asked me. She had come about ten minutes after classes had got out to my dungeon home, or my "room". Which was so nicely placed underneath the DWMA, you know, since I don't have anyone who cares enough about me to offer a real home. But I don't whine. It's plenty better than the living conditions I had with Medusa. There I wouldn't even be fed, let alone be able to sleep in an actual bed.

"Y-yeah, sure." I stood up from my bed, where I had been reading a book series that Maka had suggested to me about a hundred times. Only now have I got around to checking out the first book, after finishing the last book series Maka had persisted on for me to read. Maka gave me a bright smile, which I half-heartily shared. Although I am much happier here at the DWMA, I still couldn't call myself actually happy. No matter the activities, therapy, and constant visits from friends, I still couldn't fill the hole in my chest. It made me wonder if anything could ever fill it. I had about come to the conclusion that it must be there because of the terrific traumatic experiences i've been in.

"We'll meet Liz at the store. She texted me like an hour ago if I wanted to go and I thought that you'd like to come." Maka invited.

"T-thanks. I don't like b-being in my room all the t-time." I stuttered.

"So, what are you going to do for the holiday? I noticed that you didn't really do anything last year... or the year before, except stay in your room all day." Maka commented. I tilted my head in confusion.

"What holiday?" I asked. Maka smiled wider, which I continued to be confused about. Whenever I asked her a question, she'd smile. Except if it's something super personal, or about myself, the DMWA, or friendship. When I ask stuff like that, she's very serious and always answers like some great wise person. But if I ask things, like, everyday to her, she smiles. Then I get even more confused because I don't understand what's funny. I blushed and seemed to retreat to myself.

"Oh no, don't be embarassed. It'll be Valentines Day tomorrow." She said. I tilted my head even more and opened my mouth to ask what that meant, but she beat me to it. "It's a holiday for relationships. You know... like boyfriend and girlfriend, husband and wife. Intimate stuff. Understand?" She asked. I nodded. I knew what boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, and wife meant. But why is there a holiday dedicated to them?

"What do people do for V-valentines day?" I questioned. Maka looked forward, and started to search through the street for the store. But then looked back at me to answer.

"Well there are lots of things to do. Most people take their significant other on a date. They buy eachother chocolate, flowers, gifts. A lot of people are proposed to on valentines. It's supposed to be a romantic day for people in love." Her smile vanished slightly. Which made me wonder what was wrong. Maka only frowns when something is wrong and I never like it when she isn't smiling.

"Maka? What do p-people who don't have a s-sig-... sig-... that word, other do for v-valentines?" Her smile vanished a little more, which made me feel really bad! I almost began to stutter out apoligies but she began to speak before I could even blink.

"Well, they could stay at home and sulk... Or go out and try to find themselves a significant other. They could spend valentines with their friends, buying them gifts and such. That's what I usually do." I nodded in understanding. But I thought she said valentines was a day for people who were in love with eachother. So does that mean lonely people spend the day with themselves? Well, she did say friends... But I assume that meant you'd be spending time with friends who didn't have a signif-.... ugh that word, other.

"Well what are you doing?" I asked, speaking in a more joyful tone. She gave me a half smile.

"Same thing as last year. The DWMA puts on a dance for Valentines, which welcomes couples and singles. I think i'll go, but this year I hope i'll have a valentine to go with, or someone i'll meet there for a valentine. I think you should go." I instantly blushed. Me? Go? How could I ever be invited somewhere that involves l-love? I've never been loved, I don't even know what love really is! If I went it would be awkward, no one would talk to me, i'd be that weird person in the corner (like I always am at any party), i'd just stare at the couples who'd kiss and hug and dance. And Ugh!!!

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