"I am?" Viola asked. "Thanks, I guess."

"You don't have to flirt with her first, okay genius. You're paying for it." Some little kid in line called, waving his ticket stubs around.

"Well, why don't you just relax." Duke spoke between clenched teeth. "Uh, maybe I should kiss you now. I gave the lady my tickets and I waited in line."

FINALLY, the two of them sat down.

"Well, it's the least I can do."

"Uh, okay, here I go.."

When the two dodged each others lips for a few more seconds, I couldn't help but call out, "Just kiss her already!"

And kiss they did.

"Uh, excuse me, hotel's across the street!" The kid chimed as Viola went back for more. And Duke seemed pretty into it as well.

"Viola, what the hell is this!?" Justin asked, tugging Viola away from Duke.

"Back of the line, buttball!" The kid threatened.

"Excuse me, doofus, you're making out with my girlfriend." Justin spoke to Duke.

"Oh, shit," I whispered to myself.

"Should we intervene?" Toby whispered in my ear.

"Not yet?" I responded.

"Ex-girlfriend." Viola chimed.

"Woah, you're Sebastian's sister?" Duke asked.

"And you're about to die!" Justin inputted, physically turning Duke to face him.

"What you gonna do, drown me in your tears?" Duke asked, laughing the slightest bit.

"I had something in my eye!" Justin stressed.

"Okay, you know, guys, can we just dial it down and just step away, okay?" Viola intervened, pushing back both men a few feet.

"You know what, she's right. I'll see you on the soccer field and we'll settle this all then."

"Okay, Duke," Justin nodded, turning away. "Or we can straighten it out right here!"

Turning swiftly, Justin landed a mean hook to Duke's face. This prompted Duke to tackle Justin off the stage and their fight to begin. Toby pulled me back away from the fight, but we still followed to see if Duke would need any help. I doubt he would, but we still made sure he was good.

Viola decided to jump on Justin's back in an attempt to calm everyone down, but instead, they all three ramped into a popcorn machine. Toppling over and breaking the entire stand, the three laid in the buttery messy as Miss Hastings arrived on the scene.

"Viola! Stop! This is not lady like!"

"There is no room for violence here! This is a lovely children's carnival, God damn it! Both of you.."

"Out. NOW!" Miss Hastings demanded, moving to take Viola away from the entire mess as Duke and Justin stood.

Duke walked over towards us, looking annoyed as hell.

"You okay?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah, I'm good, Spence," He half smiled. "Let's get out of here, yeah?"

We all nodded and made our exit, ignoring Justin completely.


The next day or so was spent training, practicing, and in my case, doing mounds of paperwork.

I was working in Coach's office while the entire team was sent off to the weight room, giving myself a little peace and quiet. Coach was off doing whatever Coach does, meaning I was alone.

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