The Leaving

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   Harry. Harry. Harry. All I ever seemed to be able to think about was Harry. But that was okay because I loved him. But now he was gone. They were spreading us apart to different side of the country and I hated it! I missed him. I wasn't even aloud to see him when we were still living in the same house. They had us on luck and key. I wanted to cry but I couldn't. He told me not to cry for him and I promised. As much as I hate to say it, in this world promises are made to be broken. This one was a promise that I couldn't keep to save me. I pulled my knees up and sank against the wall and cried staining the knees of my pants. But they were grey so it was hard to notice. The back of my hands had ugly black streaks from were I wiped away my tears. I honest to damned god love that boy! I wanted to see him again. I needed to. But it was too late. My aunt walked in the room and jerked me off the floor and drug me to the moving truck. My aunt took me and my uncle took him while our mother and father mourned over their children's'sins. I nearly laughed at the thought but I would miss Harry. I loved him. Loved him deeply. I had gotten my hair dyed the same day as him and we got matching tattoos. Mine on my neck and his on his thigh. I wanted to hug him one last time. Kiss him and hear 'I love you' one last time. But we were already on the road. I had my knees pulled up to my chest and screamo on full blast in my ears. Harry was the best big brother ever.

The Humbling ActsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon