Chapter 9

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Bethany's POV
  ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! HALLELUJAH! I CAN FINALLY- wait nvm I did that yesterday. I'm excited, my first day of school with my mate! -Cue random fangirl giggle-
I grab an outfit that doesn't draw a lot of attention to me, then I start walking to school. A PING goes off in my pocket and I grab my phone and look. It's a text from Blake!!!!
Bl- Hey :)
Be- hiya :D
Bl- soooo I know it's your birthday and all....
Be- yeah, I'm at school, where are you?
Bl- I was wondering if you wanted to skip?
Be- what??

Suddenly a hand goes down on my shoulder and I shriek and jump, turning around just to find Blake standing there laughing at me. I scowl and glare at him.
"You jerk! You scared me!" I giggle and he laughs more.
"Sorry, but as I said through the text, Do you want to skip? I want to take you somewhere fun. I don't know where, but I want to do something for you, because I know you haven't done much before because of people being jerks." He smiles at me and my stomach does somersaults in my abdomen.
  "I can't skip, my parents would kill me, I need to do my wo-"
  "One day! Just one! With me! Your mate! Please Bethie!" He begs, his eyes widening and he does the puppy eyes. About the time he does, I catch a whiff of the best smell I have ever smelled in my life. I turn around trying to find where it's coming from, but Blake grabs my hand and pulls me back around to him.
  "Bethany! Wait!" I hear from behind me, but Blake opens his car door, shoves me in, buckles me in, and slams the door before I can turn to see who he is. As he starts driving away, I see Tyler waving his arms yelling something, but Blake turns the corner and he is out of sight.

Tyler's POV
  School. It's not the worst, but everyone hates it and I'm no different. Today just, feels different though, like so,etching is going to happen. When I arrive at school, I catch the most wonderful smell I've ever smelled and I start following it outside, I see Bethany standing with... Blake??? But, I realize that the smell is coming from Bethany. Blake catches sight of me about the time she turns around and pulls her into a car glaring at me the whole time.
  "Bethany! Wait!" I yell and I start running to the car. He drives off and she catches my eye right before he turns out of sight. I call my dad immediately.
  "Hello? Tyler, what do you need?"
  "Dad, send a search party out, I found my mate, but she's with another guy, he like shoved her into a car, a black Mercedes. Please find her!"
  "On it, I'll call you when I get it set up."
  "Thanks dad, you're a real life saver."

Blake's POV
  Crud, crud, crud, crud, Tyler is her mate, crud crud crud crud crud.

Hello bubbles!
One out of 3 updates that are coming soon! I hope y'all are happy with who her mate really is, y'all are the best. I now have 6k views, I love y'all so much. I got the sweetest message, so because of that, I'm going to dedicate this chapter to Doraabc thank you for the message and support of my books 😁.
Love y'all!
Author out!
Rainyruba ☺️

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