15: Volatile

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Ira has been cranky for past few days since after the encounter with Raphael.

I don't know what he said to her that makes Ira infuriated that lasted for one week in human time.

She doesn't even want to talk to me, but whenever I approaches her she would snap at me or she will ignore my questions.

Some of her actions surprises me, it freaks me out whenever she slit someone else's throat in front of me and drain its blood to her satisfaction.

I know that blood is their necessity to survive and violence fascinates me.

But to see her ripping some throats and beheading her prisoners, makes me think that she is not really an easy enemy.

What a mistake underestimating her.

"It's best that we shouldn't get closer to her as possible. She is pretty destructive when she is silent." Claudius told me.

"Claudius, get Coulton's wife and children. Bring them to me." Ira ordered, while sitting on her throne.

I noticed the two basket of cherries beside her and a goblet of blood. Her other hand went to the cherries and she plucked one.

She tossed it into her mouth and munch it, savoring the fruit with every chew.

"What are you looking at?" shit. She noticed that I am staring at her.

I cleared my throat "So your favorite fruit is cherry. That's adorable." I chuckle.

I saw her stiffened and the cherry she is holding fell from her hand.

I picked it up and brushed it on my tunic before popping it into my mouth.

The cherry tastes awful, I wonder why she likes it.

But then, I realized something about her worst mood swings. Lilith is like this when she is pregnant.

"Ira can we talk? I mean only the two of us." I said as I glanced at the curious stares of the vampires inside the throne room.

She sigh as she stand up, but before that she snatched a cherry and went down from her throne.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I will leave the judgement to you. Do what you want with the prisoners." and she pulls my hand as we walk out from the room filled of red eyed monsters.

"What do you want to talk about?" she asked, while pouring a pitcher of blood into a silver colored goblet.

"It's weird to see you eating cherries and your volatile mood swings. Is there something wrong?" I asked, I cannot help but to worry.

She nods "Cherries.. Are my favorite and well, I am always like this. There's nothing new." she chuckled.

I paused "Are you by any chance pregnant?" there is nothing wrong asking that. In fact, I will be very happy if she is.

That means, I have the reason to bring her with me when I came back to Gehenna.

"No. I am not pregnant, and what makes you think that?" she asked, casually.

"Because of your moods and your peculiar choices of food. I haven't seen you like this since I've been here." I take her hand and rubs it using my thumb.

"There is nothing wrong with that, I mean everybody changes right?" she smiled.

Yeah she is right, and I trust her. Maybe she is the only person who won't betray me, I mean we are both evil. We have the same instincts right?

And I trust her not to stick a knife on my back.
A/N: One chapter to go and there will be 2 epilogue and off to Absolution and Desiderium. :)

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