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The next day, I joined my favorite 3 out of 4 soccer players for lunch. Duke had called me earlier and asked if I wanted to grab some pizza with him and the guys. We had ordered a large pizza to split between us all, Andrew and Duke sitting on one side and Toby and I on the other.

"Aw, man," Duke muttered. "Look who's here."

Turning around, Toby and I saw Viola walking in as Sebastian. I, of course, already knew what her plan was to try and get some of them all to like her a bit more.

"It's just Bash," I muttered in return, looking at them in confusion. "I should ask him to join us."

"No, no, no," they all rushed, their heads bowed.

"Uh, don't look at him, maybe he won't see us."

"Spread out so it looks like we don't have any room." Duke instructed, the three guys spreading themselves out over the booth. Toby tossed his legs over my lap, as I was sitting on the outside. I laughed and laid my arms over them, gently tickling his calves. He smiled and knocked me gently with his foot, making me smile at him.

"Sup," Viola's 'man' voice chimed.

"Sup," Andrew and Duke replied.

"Hey, Bash." I smiled over my shoulder.

"Spencer," She winked, making me laugh. I felt Toby tense, his hand brushing against my shoulder as he had it laid out over the back of the bench.

"Hey Sebastian!" Kia cooed, looking hot as hell in a mini skirt and cropped top paired with kitten heels. She threw herself all over Viola, making me laugh.

"Kia! Girl, how you doin' baby?"

"Not the same without you!"

"Oh, yeah, I'm sorry, you know, new school, new babe pool."

"Listen Sebastian, I've been thinking about you a lot. Especially that night.."

"Okay, did she just say that to Sebastian?" Toby asked, looking at his boys in confusion. I watched the entire exchange in amusement, trying not to burst into laughter.

"It was really great to see you Sebastian, call me anytime." Kia spoke soulfully. She puckered up for a kiss, but in a 'dude' motion, Viola kissed her fingers and pressed them to Kia's lips. She turned with a dreamy sigh and strutted away.

As she walked away, Viola spoke to herself but we all heard, "I'd tap that." Turning back to us, she shrugged, "Women."

When the three began to express their agreement, I stopped and looked at them all.

"Y'all have lady troubles but none of you have ladies...."

"Damn girl, why you always gotta be so hurtful," Andrew sighed and sniffled.

"Sebastian, is that you?" A new girl asked, walking over to Viola.

"Whats going on Evvan?" She spoke, wrapping the new girl in a sensual hug.

"Okay, who's this one now?" Duke asked.

"I mean, our school lost it's top gun, Sebastian Hastings."

"Well, hmmm, a time comes for a man to move along," Vee leaned against the booth in a suave move, pulling Evvan with her.

"I know Sebastian, in the end I wasn't woman enough for you."

"No you weren't."

"And thats just something I'll always have to live with. It just hurts, that's all."

"Love is pain."

"Just know," Evvan spoke, forcing 'Sebastian' to look at her. "I'll never forget you, Sebastian. Ever! Never!" She turned with a dramatic end, sticking her butt out a little and waiting for Bash to smack it.

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