"I'll just.. turn.." He stuttered, moving over to his desk to distract himself and giving me the privacy to change. I stripped quickly and tugged on the sweats that were too big for me. I tied off the drawstring before slipping his shirt over my head.

"It's safe," I joked, folding my day clothes and leaving them sit with my shoes and other property items. Sitting on the bed, I watched as he smiled and moved to change himself, having no shame if I watched or not.

And how I wanted to, but since he gave me privacy, I returned it by busying myself and turning the bed down. He walked over to the other side and helped me pull back the covers.

"I'll sleep on the floor so if you need to get up, please don't step on me."

"What? No, I'm not kicking you out of your bed. Come on," I gestured, allowing him to get in the bed. Andrew came back in, changed and showered already. He set his stuff down before getting into his own bed, me sliding in next to Toby. Since dorm beds were so small, he and I ended up spooning with me being the little spoon.

With the lights out, we allowed ourselves to drift off, Toby's arm wrapped around me securely.


"So how long did you date that girl for anyways?" Duke asked the next morning. We were all gathered in biology class. I had gotten up early and slipped out of the guys' dorms unnoticed, changing out of Toby's clothes and folding them for him. Now, I was dressed in our school's uniform, sitting with 'the guys.'

"Too long. Ball and fricken chain, man!" Viola scuffed as her phone went off, sending 'barbie girl' playing in the air. The guys all laughed, having respect for the odd little man. Showing her phone to Duke, she spoke, "Justine. Chick won't stop dogging me, man."

"Oh my god," Duke swore, looking down and bashful. "Oh, my god, she's in our class."

Olivia Lenox was in our class, having just walked in with a friend and Malcolm.

"Dude, quit blushin'! It's lame!"

"Shut up! I'm not blushing!" Duke hissed, feeling embarrassed. I laughed lightly as the teacher came around, allowing us to randomly chose our lab partners.

"Everyone, please take a slip and read off the name of your lab partner."

After she had walked away, Duke read out, "Eunice Bates."

"Oh, I know her! She's really sweet!" I smiled, waving lightly to Eunice.

"Oh God," Duke muttered.

Slapping his arm, Viola scolded, "Be nice!"

"Spencer, we're lab partners!" Andrew exclaimed, smiling broadly. I didn't see it, but Toby was visibly upset over our match up.

"Olivia Lennox," Viola read, Liv turning and waving at Vee, though she thought she was waving at Sebastian.

"Woah, wait, you know her?" Duke asked.

"Talked to her for like a second."

"About what? She gave you 'the nod'."

"Yeah, she did a good one too!" Toby chimed for his buddy.

"Uh, could everybody please calm down?" Viola asked after Andrew's comment.

"I can't believe you've got her as a lab partner. Hey, switch with me!"

"I can't! I said her name out loud!" Viola explained, as if saying someone's name out loud was like voodoo or meant things were set in stone. Vee collected her things and went to sit with Olivia.

"Some guys just walk in the light, you know?" Andrew muttered, walking to an empty lab table. Pulling away from Toby's slight embrace, I smiled at him gently before following Andrew. Eunice sat with Duke and Toby sat at an adjoining table.

Lab passed by uneventfully, Andrew and I cracking jokes and being completely unserious the entire time. When the bell rang, we all gathered our items and headed out, seeing Duke and Bash talking together, but deciding we'd see them at practice.

"So, want to go to your dorm first, then to mine, then to practice?" Toby asked as we walked out.

"Yeah, you sure?"

"Yeah, lets go." He smiled, slinging his arm over my shoulder.


The next few days were intense with practice, the guys using the field, stands, and everything in between as equipment/to practice on. The days that coach made them use the stands to run up and down, and across, I sat in the middle with paperwork for Coach.

The days on the field I spent managing whatever Coach left me in charge of that day, whether it be the Second Stringers, or to be at his side.

It was one day that I was at Coach's side, watching the guys practice in a circle, kicking the ball around with Viola in the middle. Toby accidentally kicked the ball a little too hard, the ball flying and hitting Vee in the groin.

All the guys, Coach included, all flinched and grabbed themselves as if the ball had just gotten them in the goods. Viola forgot she was a guy for a moment before quickly catching up and grimacing in pain. I kept my laughter quiet as Viola 'walked it off' per Coaches' order.


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