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"You saved him a lifetime of agony."

Rose keeps walking ahead, not turning her head to looking at Freddie, "He's at peace with mama. That's what he wanted."

Freddie stopped her, looking both ways, "Maybe that's what God wanted. I've had this feeling all day. Felt like that since the liquor store this morning. Like... Somebody's been leading me down a path. Carlos spelled it out for me. Said I was part of a war that I can never escape... That I'd pay the price... That I'd lose my wife and daughter."

"And you'd believe that man before you believe your own heart?"

Freddie stares at her, "I hope my Billy grows up to be like you." Rose gave him a small smile, which he returned, "Now let's get out of here. Come on. Let's go..."

Rose blinked when she saw that he had paused, "Ranger Gonzalez?" She shook him, "Ranger Gonzalez. Freddie." He shook his head and looked down at her, "Are you alright?"

"Something happened."

"Yeah, this place will do that to you."


Briza sat in the passenger seat beside Seth, "Remind me again why I couldn't just stay back at The Twister."

Seth clenched his jaw, "Because I need you here."

"No, you could do this on your own." Briza points out, "So, let me ask you again. Why couldn't I have stayed."

"I don't trust Santanico around you." Seth finally answers, "She could have turned you."

"Well, apparently me being turned is impossible, so that wouldn't have happened." Briza leans back into the seat, feeling her hair bunch up as she did so.

"Then, she could have fucking just killed you." Seth turns his head to her, "Okay, so, drop it."

Briza rolled her eyes, "You do realize my brother will most likely arrest you and your brother if you two survive this right?"

Seth clenched the wheel, "Maybe you could talk him out of it."

"And why would I do that?" Briza mused, popping her neck.

"Cause we both went through some shit."

"Hmm." Briza lifts her back off of the seat, "Like my brother would listen to me. I know Richie isn't that bad of a person, well, now he's no longer a person..." She ran her fingers through her hair, "I could vouch for you, he actually might listen if I say you saved my life... on multiple different occasions."

Seth grinned slightly, "Thanks, Princess."

"Don't thank me yet," Briza mumbles when they pull in, she could see Narciso, Carlos, and Richie.

Seth got out of the car, Briza behind him, before they approached Carlos, they were patted down, roughly, "Okay, okay. You guys look like you're about to get into an underwear-only pillow fight. Carlito, I got to tell you, the sun cannot come up fast enough on this day."

"Oh, you don't want to see the sun come up on your brother."

Briza snorted, "As long as he stops screwing this up." Richie gave her a glare, which she returned with a sarcastic smile.

"You know, it's funny this whole thing kind of reminds me of this job that we pulled about seven years ago in Cheyenne. Yeah, it didn't just go sideways. It went three ways. We pulled it off, though, didn't we, brother? You remember Cheyenne, don't you?"

Narciso rolls his eyes, "I don't give a shit about your past glories. Let's get this over with."

"Soon as you uncuff him, we'll talk."

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