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"Why do you have to be such a biotch?"

Kate looks over at Scott, "I don't know. Because he's going against everything he's ever believed his entire life?"

"And why do you keep asking Dad about the accident?"

Rose crossed her arms over her chest, "Scott, why do you care?"

"Sometimes you both sound like you think it's his fault."

Briza leaned her head back onto one of the pillows in the R.V. She kept her gaze on them, "I don't think that's what they mean."

"Scott..." Rose grabbed her brother's hand, rubbing it lightly, "Okay, I'm sorry. I don't know how to do this."

"Do what?"

Briza moved her body away from them, sitting further away just so she didn't bother their family time. She tapped her fingers against the table in the back, curling herself into a ball. She laid her head down and doze off.

"Dad is losing it. He's not in a good place right now. But we never had to worry about that kind of stuff because Mom always knew how to take care of him and us." Rose put her head in her hands, "I can't take her place. I don't know how to be mom."

"Then don't try to be."

"I need to be." Rose mumbles, "I need to watch over you two, even dad, and I don't know how."

Kate grabbed hold of her sister's hands, "You don't have to do this alone, Rose, Scott and I are here for you. We'll take care of each other."

Loud bangs and curses erupt from outside, all three heads shoot up and look out the main window. Rose stood up from the seat and exited the R.V. "What is going on out here?"

"We're just trying to knock something back into place. It's all right."

Rose stared at her father skeptically before going back into the R.V. "Kate, Scott, get some rest with Briza, it looks like we might be here for a few hours."

Briza shifted in her sleep, "Earl..."

Rose looked over at her. Kate moved to wake her but Rose stopped her, "Don't wake someone who's having a nightmare, only unless it's a severe one."

"I wonder who Earl is..." Scott mumbles.

Rose glanced back at Briza, "It must have been someone close to her." She turned to the two, "Are you guys hungry?"

"A little snack would be nice," Scott says, fixing his position on the couch.

Rose searched through the cabinets, "We have some snacks in here." She pulled out a granola bar, "This should be good for now." Rose tossed it over to him, "I'm gonna grab dad, he's been in there too long."

"It's been an hour." Kate agrees, "I'll go with you."

"No." Rose held up her hand, "You are not going into that kind of place, it is a bar and is most likely full of the worst kinds of people."

"But you're going, you can't go in alone."

"Dad will be in there." Rose reassured her, "I'll be fine."

Rose pushed the door of the R.V. open, squinting ahead of her. Once her feet hit the graveled floor, she made her way to the bar. She pushed the doors wide open, suddenly feeling uncomfortable when all of the eyes in the room fell on her. She rubbed her forearm eyes scanning the area for her father. When she caught sight of him, her mood dropped, he was holding a glass of alcohol. "Daddy?"

"Rosie-Posie." He swiveled in his chair, "We were letting the engine cool down."

Rose didn't believe him, holding her hand out, "I can help, come on."

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