Chapter 4

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I woke with an annoying Mother shaking me and threatening to go get an ice cube to put down my shirt. As soon as she said this I ran out of the room and got on the couch with blanket and pillow.

"(Y/n) I thought I said get up."

"Never. I'm out of my room am I not?"

She groaned and walked out of the living room and into the kitchen. I got out my phone that I left here and saw a message from my school's theater department telling me about auditions on the new musical.

Hey everyone that's interested in the musical! On Monday after school till about 5 our musical director and choir teach will be doing auditions for all roles of the musical, Beauty and the Beast. You must prepare a song with the character you're auditioning for. The pit auditions will be on Thursday and you must see the band director for the info. If interested for any part backstage or on the stage see the theater teacher!

I smiled at myself while reading at this, but my Mom told this the wrong way seeing how she is.

"What are you smiling at? Peter's butt is it?"

"Mom stop," I had to look dead at her eyes.

"What can't I have a little fun?" She said this and went straight back to cooking our normal Sunday breakfast, that included pancakes and bacon.

"Hey Mom," I looked down back at my phone wondering if I should tell her. "Could I stay after school tomorrow?"

"Yeah sure honey why?"

"Um," I didn't know what to tell her. "I need help in Algebra and I wanted to stay behind at school but I didn't know if you would be okay with it."

"Yeah just text me if you're staying or not."


She sat down a plate with pancakes and over cooked bacon but hey this the good stuff in our family.

I went to the library around 12 to finish up some homework in peace and quiet but I didn't expect to see her there again.

"Hey Michelle," I said as I walk up to her, "Is this seat taken?" I put my hand on a seat right next to her.

"Nobody's sitting there, so go right ahead," She said while moving her stuff.

I sat down and got out my Algebra homework and started on the twenty problems that I had received on Thursday but procrastination is huge for me.

"Algebra huh, good luck. It took me like three hours to do those problems."

"Yeah I bet. Our teacher is really bad at teaching us this huh?" I replied to her.


"Hey would you mind helping me after you're done with your homework if you don't mind?" I truly needed help if I was going to finish.

"Yeah of course after I get all of mine done and I'll stay as long as I need to." She said while getting to work with all of her other stuff.

We sat in silence until we get everything done before she could help me, I decided to listen to music until she was done. I put it on shuffle and if course Hamilton came on and it was Satisfied, one of my favorites. I cannot listen to this song in the library without singing or mouthing the words to go along with it. So I skipped it and of course it went straight to Beauty and the Beast, to be precise it was the live action version music and it was on Evermore.

I nod my head to the song and Michelle looked at me and my motions.

"What are you doing?"

"Just listening to music while I'm waiting for you to help me," I replied.

"I've been done for the last five minutes."


After an hour of doing Algebra homework with Michelle, it was about 3 in the afternoon.

"Hey Michelle, you want to get some coffee or a drink from Starbucks or something? My treat," I had to give her something after helping me with that homework.

"Um sure but I can pay for my own though," She replied while finishing up putting her stuff away.

"My treat and besides you helped with my homework and you look like you need a dessert," I said to her with a smile at the end.

"Uh sure," She looks down at the table and grabs her phone and sketch book.

"Let's go."

We decided to walk to the coffee shop because it was only 5 minutes away. I got a (drink) with (topping), it's my favorite. Michelle got a drink and a cake pop along with it. We were waiting for our drinks and cake pop for the longest time ever but it was probably like 5 minutes.

"Are you okay Michelle?" She didn't look comfortable, like something was wrong with this.

"Yeah I'm fine it's just," She never finished her sentence.

"Just what?"

"It's nothing. Don't worry about it," She put on a fake smile but of course I believed it.

We finally get our drinks and walk out of the shop and walked to a park and sat down on a bench facing the playground.

"What's your story (Y/n)?" She popped this question out of the blue.

"What do you mean?" I replied to her wondering what in the world is she talking about.

"What made you the person you are today?" She said while fixing the way she sat on the bench and looking at me.

"I don't know," I said looking down at the cement and grass and put my elbows on my thighs.

"I-I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable, I just want to know you better." She looked down at her drink.

"No it's okay, I understand. What's your story?" I asked her and shifted my body on the bench.

"Let's not talk about that, you would be bored out of your mind."

"Try me."

- - -

I walked into my apartment and sat my keys and phone on the counter while I took off my shoes.

I went to my room and put my phone in a charger and changed into my pajamas. I got ready for bed and later on top of my covers and stared at the ceiling.

"What is my story?"

The Beauty and the Spider (Peter Parker x reader)Where stories live. Discover now