Chapter 3

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"Bye Peter. Yes I will be fine. No don't worry and just relax and get your homework done." I said while standing in the doorway facing Pete who was standing in the hallway.

"Okay okay geez I'm sorry, it's just, that I want this to never happen to you again okay? Promise me that you won't ever go that way again okay?"

"Peter I promise now go home and relax its our last day before we go back to that hell hole anyways." I have to get him to relax and go home without a worry about me.

"Fine I'm leaving. Just do do anything stupid alright?"

"How can I if you're taking it all with you?" I yell down the hall.

"Keep on talking (Y/n). Keep on talking." He said walking towards the elevator to leave the building. I stay outside my doorway with my arms crossed until I see him go into the elevator and I go back into the apartment.

- - -

Have I ever said that high school sucks because it does.

"Why do I have to be here?" I groaned with Pete sitting on my left and Ned on my right. I mean school sucks but whenever I have a class with them it's the time of my life.

"We are all required to be here (Y/n) so suck it up." Peter would always reply with that statement every single time I'd complain about school.

"But it's not worth going if you know everything Peter." Ned always has my back in this type of stuff.

"So Peter when are you going to try to talk to Liz again?" I had to say this just to get him mad.

"(Y/n) don't do it." Ned knew where this was going.

Peter's face got bright red with embarrassment.

"So (Y/n) and Ned where are we going to have movie night this week?" He wanted to change the topic so badly.

"I don't know Peter, how about yours?" I replied because it was his turn last week but he had to change it at the last minute.

"Only if we can watch Star Wars." Of course he wanted to watch a space movie.

"Fine. Deal."

"Parker. (L/n). Quiet now." The evil teacher announced to the class. Ned was laughing his ass off. "Leeds you too." That shut him right up. Everyone turned around and stared at us wondering what we were doing because we're the quiet type in class but not at home and when we're together.

- - -

The bell had rung and we went to lunch, it was only 12:30, we had two and a half hours left in this hell that our parents call school. We got our lunch and went to our normal seats. Ned and Peter on one side and me on the other, but today a girl was siting at the far end of the table reading a book. In the middle of lunch, I had to go to the restrooms, the worst place in this flipping school because what happens in the restrooms stay in the restrooms.

"Hey guys, I'll be right back." I said standing up.

"Where are you going?" Peter asked me while I stood and getting ready to walk away.

"The restrooms."

"No (Y/n) don't leave me here with him." Ned would always plea that whenever I had to leave.

"Sorry Ned but a girl has to go when a girl has to go." I left him with those words.

I walked into the restrooms to do my business like any other person but of course as soon as I went in there was a bunch girls in there doing their makeup and probably talking about who got laid over the weekend.

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