Interlude III: Seduction in the Springs

Start from the beginning

The Walrus' thick eyebrows rose. "You mean to tell me she cares more about other folks than herself? Oh, what a horrible person you have to deal with."

Chiro was not amused. "More than she should." All that caring about others nonsense made him uncomfortable, because he found himself, for whatever reason, trying real hard to personify words like good and helpful. Hell, during the Hunt he'd even gone and caught some girls for her harem when the opportunity arose. "I don't understand her."

"Heaven help the rest of us then," his partner responded. "By the way, solid job protecting her. Very good. You earned your release."

For several seconds, he didn't have anything but a frown for that news. "She pissed It off killing Akta. You didn't tell me he was a priest."

"Didn't know."

Bullshit. Chiro crossed his arms beneath the soaked wool. "How are they planning to contain that?"

The Walrus tilted his chin up to access the surrounding fortifications. Armored grey shadows stood stationed on the drab mural tower. "Stay inside the walls fer now. Least until we figure out what It wants."

"It wants her."

The old warrior pushed his face closer to Chiro's, eyes sparkling. "Might I be detectin' a hint of worry in your tone?"

The Prince looked away. "Worried you'll call on me to protect her." 

"Ah," the Walrus said, and began stroking his beard once more. "And so being her protector, what would you say our lass knows about dear old da?"

"She's got other priorities."

There was a grunt of agreement. "Heard along the grapevine she'd spent the first night back with you. And she's sent for you again, hasn't she? That's why you're braving the elements."

Chiro kept silent.

The larger man followed his gaze up toward the King's tower. "Were I a smart cat like yourself, I'd be putting an end to that right quick before her fiancé does. Don't be getting any ideas, lad. Tay don't belong to you."

"She'd have you know she doesn't belong to anyone."

"All the more reason a filthy soul like yerself needs to keep his paws off that gentle spirit." Chiro raised his eyebrows. The Walrus shrugged. " ...Gentler than yours, anyway."

"You let her take advantage of me," he pointed out. "Whatever Tay Wilson required, I was supposed to do. If the Lady wants to use all my assets..." He trailed off with a catty smile, carrying on past the old warrior. A big palm whacked the back of his head, but there was no loosening his pointed grin.


The first king's builders had laid a foundation of magic, magic so old there wasn't a soul alive today that knew how to use it. That was from a time before the Marrow Witch, an enchanted, bygone era when creatures stranger than Marls and crag cats roamed the lands. Were it not for those ancient builders Chiro doubted there'd be anything that could stop the witch from breaching the walls and destroying one of the few places left It couldn't set foot inside. 

The castle grounds were sacred. 

And one of its jewels was buried deep in the underground, down a set of carved stone stairs polished smooth from centuries of use, beyond torches that never extinguished and air that always smelled clean. It was here that the ruddy walls breathed with the moist heat of a dragon's belly. These were the hot springs, a series of natural pools the workers had built the palace around. It was here that those ancient architects had carved their stories and battles against the night. Screaming monsters vs severe men and tall women, chasing history around and around the cavern. In the orange glow of torchlight, illuminated by pale steam, the stories came alive.

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