Not Afraid anymore

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People shouldn't be afraid. Of course of the rational things but not the irrational things.
That's what everyone is told.
Don't be afraid of love.
You were once afraid
but you're not afraid anymore.
You were afraid of falling in love until you met Josh.
Josh won you over with EVERYTHING
He was so nice and funny, he almost seemed too good for you.
You met on Tinder.
Tinder in your opinion was an overrated shitty dating app, until you met Josh of course.
You had been to many relationships which in all cases they didn't work out. They either cheated on you or said they dated you as a dare.
You realised meeting Josh was the best thing that's ever happened to you. He accepted you for who you were. He was open to you and vice versa.
He made you feel special, no of the others made you feel like that.
Because of Josh you weren't afraid anymore and you loved that.

Word count - 164

Omg I hate this. This is crap but I needed to upload.
Anyways I started back at school today. I hated it I wanna go die.
Anyways if you have any requests please comment them or DM me!
So I have ideas for S so far (it's gonna be really sad and it's slightly different to clique romance like I usually write) so if like stuff like that, look forward to it!

Amy xoxo

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