Kingengan!! (disbelief)

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         So I recently figured out that I've required a Kekkei Genkai.

(for those who don't know what that means... In simplest term's- an eye that unleashes your power)

It's called Kingengan (king/in/gone) power to become the center if someone's thoughts.

I can't control it yet so it randomly activates on it's on and catches people. It catches everyone my stalkers, my friends, my boss girl, my clan, my family, my enemies, my Deity.

And this week, my god😅😅 definitely this week it has caught a lot of people. And its getting so powerful that it's starting to bleed. Since I'm "The Impossible' my potential is limitless but this damn Kingengan is getting on my nerves.

It's caught my enemies.

I'm like seriously the center of these bastards attention. 😂😂Like they live off my pain and suffering, it took me a while to realize they where caught. But when ex girlfriends bring up old shit from out of the blue, twice in a week starting a whole thing, I realized... yep I did. 😑

It's funny how she can not live without me, like dead serious did u know when I broke up with her she told me she almost killed herself but she thought about me. So I got back with her cause I didn't want her to die or anything.😂😂

But even now am I that important in your life?😅 Like you got a whole boyfriend and you still can't get over me... My god!! Telling my spy you still got feelings for me don't change anything. Then talking shit bout me and my Queen everyday like... The Kingengan has a strong hold on you huh.

Damn you Kekkei Genkai 😒😒

Oh and Kingengan has also caught a hoe again😲 she straight try to get hugs with me now (I don't allow it though) like she starts playful arguments with me but my oblivious ass didn't realize that's her way of flirting till boss girl told me.😦😦 Everyday "hi Mercutio!" Or "Bbbbrrrraaannndddooonnn!!
It's very annoying.😒

Then theirs the frenemy, I guess she wasn't over the whole prom declining, she thought she was but my powerful Kingengan made her realize she wasn't. When she sees me with my Queen, Her words "I live to see you surfer." Like 😓😓 jealous much?

Then theirs the ass whole who I want to beat the shit out of, but I was told not to (....For now...) My Kingengan has made him come up with the idea that I caused him an Deity to brake up.😕 Like I'm not even that type of person, nigga I tried to help you when y'all two was together!! But it's not my fault you only tried to give her affection when I was either in the area, talked about, or I was thought about in your head by my Kekkei Genkai.😑

Oh Kekkei Genkai, Kekkei Genkai.... Your such an asswhole!!😤😤 Why did you only catch enemies??? Your so powerful... It's not your fault you are the eye of 'The Impossible' so way to show support🙋.







































..... But did u get at least one person who I'm cool with?😶

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