The Surprise: Part 4

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I am so sorry it took me so long to finish this chapter! Thank you all so much for being so patient with me.
Art provided by the super talented Meiwakunatto!
I highly recommend visiting her art and fanfiction gallery on deviantart if you have not already done so!

Esteban made her favorite: paella and gazpacho with a vino blanco and torrijas for dessert. He still didn't trust the chefs to make Shuriki's meals. Three cooks, a wine merchant and a baker had each tried to poison her at different times throughout her reign. After the baker's attempt failed, he'd bought and prepared her food and drinks himself just to make certain they were safe.

Getting Shuriki to speak was no easy task. She was such a shy woman and a bit fidgety. Esteban always started with some light conversation and things usually fell into place from there. "How's the food? I hope it is to your liking."

The question made her blush and she tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear before saying, "Oh, it's delicious. I'm just not that hungry."

Esteban knew why. "It's the festival, isn't it, mi corazón? Tomorrow's ball marks the official anniversary of your father's death."

Shuriki bristled. "Esteban, be quiet."

"Things will only get worse if you bottle up your emotions. Maybe if you'd talk about it-"

"I don't want to talk about it!"


The sorceress stood up and threw her napkin down on the table. Esteban followed her back to his room just to have Shuriki slam the door in his face.

Esteban stood there with his hand on the knob for several minutes debating whether to go in. He chose not to. Best to give Shuriki some time alone to calm down. She preferred to sort through her emotions alone. Besides, he had plenty of work to do before the ball, and a large stack of unsigned trade agreements waiting for him in his office.

On the other side of the door, Shuriki listened as he walked away. She would have kicked herself in the ass for the way she'd acted if only her body'd been limber enough. Esteban was trying to help, but rather than open herself up, Shuriki had pushed him away-again!

The sorceress sank down onto her rump heaving a heavy sigh while leaning against the door. She did love Esteban. With Elena ruling Avalor, he was the only reason she'd stayed. Was she losing him? The thought terrified her far more than falling off the castle bridge and almost drowning ever had.

Shuriki was so busy sulking she failed to notice the door was opening until the wood collided against the back of her head.

Shuriki winced. "Owe! Watch it, Esteban!"

"'s not Esteban."

Shuriki stood up and yanked the door open to find Naomi, Mateo and one Rafa de Alma standing on the other side. It looked as if they'd brought a rack of clothing with them.

"May we come in?" Rafa asked.

Shuriki took a step back and held the door for them. Rafa and Mateo entered first with the rack of dresses and what looked like shoes and a slew of other accessories.

"What is all this?" Shuriki asked, motioning towards the rack of clothing as she closed the door.

Naomi frowned. "Esteban didn't tell you?"

Shuriki shook her head.

Naomi huffed. "Figures."

"Esteban said you didn't have anything suitable for the ball tomorrow," Mateo explained, "so I asked mom if she would come by the castle with some things you might like," Mateo explained.

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