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New Orleans

St Anne's Church


Elijah walked in a hurry, glancing around.

The news of Laurette's death had spread quickly. The letter she gave him was in his pocket as he rushed to the girl's body.

Elijah knelt, looking at her in sadness, "I'm honoring my word to you"

Elijah picked up Laurette's body, speeding away before someone could walk in.


With Laurette gone, the witches who were aware of who she was knew it was a matter of time before a harvest girl was resurrected. The only one who had been expecting this death was non other but Abigail.

The moment Abigail heard her mother say something about the Evergreen tomb exploding, she knew her best friend was back.

It only took a locator spell to find her best friend's whereabouts.

Abigail, in a hurry made her way to the greenhouse, het eyes wide and hopeful.

The lights were on which made her excitement bubble within her.

"Alex?" Abigail called out, walking inside.

The room was blossomed with flowers as a dark haired girl stood in the middle of the room, growing Orchids.

Abigail smiled happily with tears in her eyes. Orchids were Alex's favorites.

The girl stopped her magic when she heard her name, turning around. Her eyes flickered darkly for a moment before a smile broke in her face.

"Abby!" Alex exclaimed in relief.

Abigail ran forward to tackle her best friend in a hug. The first one in almost a year.

"You're back, Alex!" Abigail breathed in relief over Alex's shoulder as she tightened her grip on her best friend.

"Yeah, I thought I would never set a leg back in the living" Alex told her, pulling away after a moment. "Why did it take so long? I've heard we're in 2012. I thought we'll just be dead only for a day or so not a whole year"

Abigail sighed sympathetically "I'm so sorry. But someone hijacked the power of the Harvest and revived some other people"

Alex nodded slowly looking down at her dress, remembering the letter that was in her family tomb.

"I know about it" Alex said slowly "About her"


Dear Alex... Or Alexandra. Whatever you prefer.

I have heard a lot of things about you since I was brought back from my two hundred year sleep and I can't help but feel guiltier of taking your place more and more every day it passes.

I want to bring you back but so far I don't know how. It would've been nice if we got to meet each other, sadly it can't be done because we can't be in the same place at the same time...

That's how life is (Stupid, i know). One is supposed to be dead and the other alive... I hope when I find a way to bring you back, you don't hold a grudge against me for doing this to you, that's the less I want...

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