Survive the torture

Start from the beginning

My eyes widened at what Lance did to her next, he cut her stomach open, and shoved wolfsbane in there. She screeched as Lance chuckled uncontrollably. As weak as I may look, I closed my eyes shut, trying to get the image out of my head.


Lance suddenly grabbed my face, “Look at her! Look at how much pain she is going through. Ah~ Don’t you just love the smell of fear? ‘Cause its reeking from you.” He hissed.


I glared at him, “If you’re going to kill me, do it. I don’t wanna see you torturing people in front of me.”


Lance swiftly turned around, “Nah, this is a way of torturing you. ‘Till I decide when to kill you, I’ll bring in a new victim everyday. Oh this is going to be ecstatic!”


The girl groaned, “P-please don’t do this...I-I have a family that I need to take care of…” Her voice sounded so weak.


Lance grabbed the silver knife and stabbed her arm, “I don’t care about your pathetic life!”


Her flesh around the blaze sizzled as she screamed again. Lance was grinning evilishly. He’s the monster, not me.


He turned to me after yanking the knife out of her arm, “Now, I can’t have you just staring! This is supposed to be fun!” He took the knife and slashed it across my chest.


I gritted my teeth as I slowly hissed, “Just kill me.”


He chuckled, throwing the bloody knife onto the tray, “Where would be the fun in that? I will slowly torture you, bit by bit ‘till you beg for mercy. So don’t beg me to kill you.”


He looked at the girl and leaned in, “Shh Miranda, no matter how loud you scream, no one will hear you. We are under twenty feet of dirt, there’s no way someone will hear you, so save the energy.”


Miranda started crying, “Please let me go! I’m begging you! I need to get to my-” Before she could say anything, Lance shoved wolfsbane down her throat. I almost threw up as I saw his fist make its way down her throat.


“There there...shh everythings ok now…” He grinned.


Miranda stopped struggling; her hand fell limp to the side. What is this monster capable of?

***Lyla’s POV***


“Allen!” We all were shouting as we disbursed into the park. No one was out since it was one in the morning.


Jack howled as I looked around.


“Jack, over there.” I pointed to a little dirt path that lead into the deeper parts of the forest.


He yelped as he ran to the path; entering the deep forestation. I’m sure we’ll find him. We have to find him. We will find him.


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