The Unknown

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One night inside the space of my head where dreams come from, i saw a little girl in the distance. My surroundings are a huge grave yard that seems to never end. In the back there is a house that looks vacant. I try to get closer to the little girl but she starts running. She appears to be holding something but i can't be sure of what it is. I get closer and i can see she is wearing a white night gown and has a teddy bear in her left hand. She runs for the house like she feels safe there. I follow the little girl inside, its dark and i can faintly see the girl on the balcony upstairs. I run up the stairs to get closer.

I stop in front of the girl, she has the bluest eyes I have ever seen. Her hair is black as night and hangs straight down, and she has very fair skin. I ask what her name is but i got no response. I look in all directions of me but its to dark to see anything, so i cant see the beauty the house possess. I look back at the little girl but she is floating mid-air and staring right at me. I feel she is getting higher than the moment before. However that would have been better compared to the situation. It had appeared that I was sinking, the house was pulling me into the floor of which I stood. I feared there was no escape. I felt my death near, but I did not know for sure.

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