I. Conscious

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I guess it's better this way. It could've been worse.

Everyone knows how blessed one would feel when someone else could put up with their madness. I just wish you'd appreciate the times I decided not to stay mad at you so that you'd know how insensitive you can be.

You are more prideful than me, but I tolerated that and still swallowed my pride because I know how toxic it feels when you manipulate my thoughts at times when you can't even swallow your own.

I absolutely despise how you can just do as you please without a care about what other people might feel. Not everyone has the same carefree mind and heart as you.

It may seem like I was doing it for myself but it was mostly for you.

You turned me into a mess, which makes you even more of a mess than me.

You are more important than what you've done, but my sanity is more important than what I have to put up with.

I would've still stayed if you didn't see almost everything as a joke.

I indeed miss how close we used to be, but I guess that intimacy was meant to last up to that time only. Things would turn out different now if we jumped back to that same routine, which I didn't know would drastically ruin me.

To all the times I defended you when the world was against you, I'd like to bid them farewell.

I should've listened to the world.

It was nice knowing every inch of what you unveiled to me, especially the secrets I'll always be willing to keep.

You of all people should know what pain is, but oh well. I guess you completely forgot the point of a facade.

Thank you for also putting up with the madness you awakened in me.

I'm still human, and I have to give up on you for me.

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