Chapter Seven; Let the Whole Country See. [Edited.]

Start from the beginning

My eyes fly wide, and I jump to my feet, staring at him in shock. He spots the movement and looks towards me, and then he smiles. I can't seem to control my expression - which is scrunched up in blank confusion - as he makes his way across the room.

"Hello, Emerald."

"Uh," I murmur, cough awkwardly, and try again. "Hello."

"I brought you these." He offers a plate covered with cloth, but I don't move to take it. His eyebrows raise in curiosity, but he says nothing as he instead leans forward to slide the plate onto the low table in front of my armchair.

"What are you doing here?" The question is cold and rude. I can't help but be suspicious. "Did Coin send you?"

He doesn't seem at all bothered, but instead smiles softly.

"No, though she did approve me coming."

"Which means she's listening." I look around like she might have suddenly appeared in the room. "Or someone is."

"No one is listening, Emerald." Peeta assures me, smiling gently. Like I'm being silly.

"Yes, they are!" I snap at him, "They listen in here and in the bedrooms."

"How do you know?"

"Because-" I stop dead, if they ever found out that the Avox told me, she'll be killed. "I just know, all right? I'm good with that kind of thing."

"Right." He drags out the word, squinting at me skeptically like I might be going mad.

"Why are you here?" I demand again, scowling at him.

"I just wanted to check on you. You weren't looking very well last night and I just-" He shrugs his broad shoulders, "I was worried."

"Yeah, well." I clear my throat and sink back into my armchair, conscious that I'm in nothing but my underwear under the robe that feels suddenly too short around my thighs. "It was self-inflicted. I'm fine now."

"You don't look fine..." He inspects me with those brilliant blue eyes, and I shrink away from his gaze.

"You calling me ugly?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Hideous." He nods, and when I grudgingly smile, he does too. It's a nice smile.

Peeta runs a hand through his hair, messing up the style so it sticks up every which way. It seems he didn't have the same kind of fun that I did last night, because he looks perfectly pristine today. His thick wool jumper, the colour a soft periwinkle, doesn't have one crease in it, and his shoes are shined to perfection.

13 are certainly taking care of him.

"Haymitch told me about your conversation." His voice is hesitant.

"Ah, so this is a pity visit."

"No! No. Emerald, it isn't like that." He takes a faltering step towards me, but when I curl my legs up into my chest, wrapping my arms around my knees to make myself smaller, he backs away again. "I just... I... Well." He splutters for words.

"You don't have to explain anything to me." I shrug, "The Capitol hurt you, I get that. They threw you into an arena, twice, and then they tortured you and turned you against your wife." I stare at him, but there is still judgement on my face. "I understand why you would want to watch children pay for that."

He flinches back, away from me. "I voted against it."

That pulls me up short. Is he lying? Could he possibly be telling the truth? If anything, I would have thought that he of all people would have voted yes.

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