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*Note: In the prologue Jason was thirteen and now he's eighteen. Also, bullying does happen so if you have experience with that and don't want to read about it, I suggest you stop now. And get help if you have been bullied. Because we are all beautiful. ❤


After I took the last puff of my cigarette, I threw it on the ground and squished it with my shoe. It was a bad habit I'd picked up in the last year and I was not proud of it.

I felt a pair of hands settle on my shoulders. As I turned around, I saw Carmen Elkes, my girlfriend, standing there giving me a mischievous grin. "Hey." she said as she lay her hand on the back of my neck and pulled me toward her.

"Hey." I whispered. She gave me a slow lingering kiss and pulled away. I'd started dating her around the same time I started smoking. It's like everything that I shouldn't be doing, I started all at once.

"Mr. Brookes droned on literally all class so I passed out like five minutes in." Carmen said, rolling her eyes as she pulled out a pack of Marlboro cigarettes and taking one out which she put between her lips.

"Oh?"I raised an eyebrow. I didn't know what I thought about Carmen. I liked her, but I didn't love her. She was a bitch to literally everyone and it got quite annoying at times. I pulled out my blue lighter and lit up her cigarette for her.

At that moment, the three popular musketeers of Bennett Secondary walked past. Ariel Miller, clung to the arm of her Brazilian football star boyfriend, Cesar Filho while her two loyal sidekicks, Erika Johnston and Natalia Monroe trailed close behind. They looked like they wanted Ariel to get hit by a bus.

As I watched the last girl, Natalia, she locked eyes with me and sneered as she looked away.

"I suggest you don't be looking at my boyfriend Natalia." Carmen growled.

Natalia glanced at her and I thought I saw fear in her eyes. Huh. Little Miss Sidekick was scared of my girlfriend. You don't see that everyday. Usually popular girls act as if they're queens of the school.


"Carmen. Don't frighten the poor girl." Jason laughed.

I looked at him and he smirked. Ugh. How pathetic. Those 'bad boys' were so annoying.

"I'm not scared of goth girl, thank you very much." I said, glaring at him.

Carmen glared at me and grabbed my arm. "What did you just say?" She exclaimed.

Oh shit, I gulped. Obviously, she wasn't a very big fan of that name.

Ariel stepped up beside me. "Let go of her arm, Carmen." She said, her voice low.

"Aww. What you going to do, little wench?"

I stared at Ariel and her face turned bright red. She was pissed.

"What the hell did you just call me?" Ariel exclaimed.

"Go watch your Disney movies, little girl." Carmen laughed.

"Carmen, I think that's enough now." Jason said glaring at her.

I stared at him. What the hell did he care? And what the hell kind of comebacks did Carmen come up with. For a bad rep girl, she sure sucked at making comebacks.

"You better back off!" Cesar stood in front of Ariel and pushed Carmen back. I rolled my eyes. Cesar acted so tough when in reality, he was a coward.

Jason immediately got in his face. "Don't you dare touch Carmen like that again."

Cesar backed away. "Control her then." With that, he walked away. Ariel ran up beside him.

"Coming, Natalia?" Erika asked me. I nearly forgot she was there. She hated getting into fights so she tended to step back and watch the events occur.

"Yeah." I said. I glanced at Jason but Carmen was in front of him, eyes burning in fury.

I waved at Carmen and gave her a big fake smile. "See you later." And walked off. Best to kill em with kindness.

She tried to go after me but Jason held her back while glaring at me when I looked back. His eyes dared me to go back and start more trouble. I continued walking away and Erika and I went into the school.

"That girl has some serious issues." Cesar muttered once we caught up to them.

"You saved me, baby." Ariel sighed happily.

Erika and I glanced at each other and rolled our eyes.

Cesar bent over slightly and kissed Ariel.

I began to feel queasy. I didn't have a boyfriend and hated it when they made out in front of me. Let alone all the other couples in the school.

"I--uhh--I have to go get my stuff from my locker." I said. Erika followed me.

"I saw the way you were looking at Jason." She said.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"You like him, don't you?"

"No?" I said, with uncertainty in my voice.

"He isn't right for you, Natalia. And he has a psychotic girlfriend who wants your head stuffed and mounted on her wall."

"So? I can take her. " I said, glancing at Erika. The look she gave me told me she didn't believe me.

"Okay. Well, don't say I didn't warn you." She said shaking her head in disbelief.

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