First Date Part 1

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Moana's P.O.V.

I walk inside and shut the door behind me. I go upstairs and head to my bed. I shut my door and take off my dress. I throw a tee shirt that is three times bigger than me and a pair of shorts. I crawl up on my bed and texted Maui. This is what our conversation was like:

Me: Hey Maui.
I wait and a minute later he responds.
Maui: Hey babygirl ;)
Me: Did you make it home safely.
Maui: Yep
Me: Ok good
Maui: Did you enjoy yourself besides our little outburst?
Me: Yes I had a wonderful evening
Maui: Thats good
Me:What you doing?
Maui: I finished taking a shower but at the moment I'm talking to my favorite person <3
Me: Aww your too kind <3
Maui: Hey I have a question for you
Me: Ok
Maui: Are you free tomorrow?
Me: Yes why?
Maui: I want to take you out on a date
Me: Really! Ok pick me up at ten!
Maui: Ten it is!;)
Me: I'm tired and I'm going to bed
Maui: Ok! Sleep tight beautiful, I love you;)
My heart swells with joy as I read those three simple words.
Me: Goodnight Maui, I love you too.
I yawn and turn off my light. As I lay down I think about our first date.

Maui's P.O.V.

I walked home and hopped in for a shower. As I'm coming out of the shower my phone goes off. It was Mo. I smiled and dry off before replying back to her. I throw some shorts on and climb up on my bed.

We talked for a little bit. Then I asked her out on a date. I hope I'm not rushing things. But she said yes! I jumped for joy as I texted her back. We say goodnight and I sit in complete darkness and think about where to take Moana on our first date. Then an idea came into my mind.

The Next Day

Moana's P.O.V.
I wake up at 8:30 and hop out of bed. I looked down at my phone and see I have a text from Maui. It said:
Maui: Hey beautiful! I hope you had a good nights rest! I'll pick you up soon! Pack a swim bag! We are going somewhere special! See you soon! And also if you have a surf board please bring it along!

I hurry and brush my hair and teeth. I grab my swim bag. I put on my bikini and throw a sundress on. I see the clock says 9:00. I grab my stuff and head to the kitchen. I eat an apple and wait for Maui. Mom is working on her laptop and Dad is drinking coffee and reading the paper. Dad looks up from his paper and smiles at me.

"Morning Starfish." He says. "Morning Dad.". "Where you off to?" He asks me. "I'm going swimming." I say casually. "Oh! All by yourself?" He asked. "No, Maui actually asked me if I wanted to go with him after the formal." I say. He just nods and I heard a knock on the door. I rush to the door and open it.

Maui's P.O.V.

I grabbed my bag, my board, and sunglasses and head out. Its a ten minute walk to Mo's place. As soon as I got there I knocked on the door. I heard footsteps and Moana opens the door. "Hey, you ready to go?" I ask. She nods her head vigorously. I chuckled as she steps outside. Then a very tall man comes over. She looks at him and smiles "Dad, this is Maui." She says.

"Nice to meet you sir." I say as I hold out a hand. He takes my hand and firmly shakes it. "Nice to finally meet you young man. How old are you?" He asks me. "I'm sixteen sir." He nods his head and places a kiss on Moana's head. "Have fun you two. And be careful." We nod our heads and he closes the door.

Moana's P.O.V.

As Dad closes the door I sigh with relief. Maui looks at me and smiles. "He seems nice." He says. I laugh and we walk out to the driveway. I then kissed his cheek and he's smiles. "So where we going? The beach?" I asked. He looks at me and smiles. "Wait and see." He said. I groaned and he laughed. He kisses my cheek and I smile.

We walked over and hit the beach. "I knew it!" I said. Maui takes my hand and gently pulls on it. I follow him and he smiles. As we were walking we come to a private area. It has a little cave and a great view. "Now we are here." He says. I walk over and place my towel on the sand and kick off my sandals.

Maui takes his shirt off and stare at him. I know he has a few tattoos but the whole top part of his body is covered in them. But what really surprised me was his six pack of abs. He takes out his towel and walks over to me. "Hey, you alright?" He asks me like nothing is out of the normal. I snapped back into reality and cleared my throat. "Um, yeah, yeah I'm fine." I say acting all chill.

Maui's P.O.V.

I place my towel next to Mo's and she takes off her sundress. I watch her and quickly busy myself with my towel. She clears her thoart and look up. She's wearing a red two piece and I start to grow warm. I shook my head and smiled. "You look nice." I said getting up. She blushes and smiles sheepishly.

I walk over and grabbed her waist. She wraps her arms around my neck and smiles. "Actually you look more then nice, you look absolutely beautiful." I whispered in her ear. She blushed even more as she buries her head in the crook of my neck. I kissed her forehead lightly and hold her.

Moana's P.O.V.

I traced his tattoos lightly. He kisses the top of my head and grabs his board. "Come on!" He says. I smile and grab my board.

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