Chapter 1: the hair

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Merlinda was a young woman who just moved to a small village just outside of paris. She was finally 20, all those years of dreaming are over, she can finally have the life she wanted the life of independence and adventure. With her marvelous hair she thought she would have no problem getting a life.

"Your hair is so beautiful Merlinda," said one of the villagers.
"Well thank you fellow villager," she replied. Merlinda walked to the market with a small brown bag and some money. When she arrived everyone stopped and looked at her, walking into each other the villagers were amazed by her hair. Merlinda was confused but continued walking, she bought bread, cheese, and a single potato. When she got to her home she looked around and decorated it with her old items.

The next day she found herself sleeping on the floor. She got her bag and her money and walked down to the market again buying bread and cheese. This is what she did every day. Until one day she ran out of money and decided to go for a walk. On her walk she saw a strange path, she decide to follow it. At the end of the trail was a gorgeous mansion, Merlinda thought it was a good idea to knock on the door.
"Hello darling what can i... Your hair, its gorgeous," The lady said amazed, she was wearing a long brown cloak that covered her whole body.
"Thank you, I seem to get that a lots," Merlinda replied.
"I want it," the lady said, "give it to me!"
"WAIT WHAT!" Merlinda yelled.
"If your not going to give it to me I'll have to take it!" The lady said removing her cloak to reveal her, she was wearing a white elegant dress. The beautiful woman started glowing.
Merlinda was weirded out and tried to run away but was to slow. The woman already stole her luscious hair and replaced it with the most greasy hair you could image, she got hash brown hair. Each strand was a hash brown, then in a blink of an eye the goddess and her house teleported to an unknown location.
"Oo no!" She cries, "How will I have a life now."
"Ho ho I am you mystical fairy God mother, I am here to help you get rid of your hair," the old lady said.
"How!" Merlinda said in excitement.
"Well this will hurt a bit," she says.
"Okay," Merlinda replied as the old lady started nibbling her hair.
"Hey!" Merlinda yelled in anger.
The fairy god mother poofed away without a word.

When Merlinda gets home she cries as she eats her own hair. The next day she goes down to the market with a small bag and her only money left.
"Who are you? What have you done to Merlinda, did your hideous looks kill her?" A village said to her.
"Don't you see she is Merlinda and she was cursed by and ugly witch!" A village announced to the village.
"Actually she was beautiful," Merlinda corrected. All the villagers stood speechless, mouth open and heads tilted, they stared blankly at Merlinda. "The one who stole my hair was a goddess she glowed and then her house poofed," Merlinda announced. Merlinda walked home, she had dinner (aka her hair) and tried to sleep. The next day she went to the market and bought 5 tomatoes with the remaining amount of money she had. On her walk home she tripped and fell on top of her tomatoes squashing them.
"Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!" Merlinda yelled in sadness. She got up and walked slowly home and opened the bag of tomatoes to see a red buttery smooth paste, she scooped some up and ate it she said, "mmmmmmmmm, tasty."
She decided to name it KETCHUP. She was proud of her invention and decided to sell it along side her hair/hash browns.
Though she loved having money and her hair she knew her father and mother would come to visit and she knows they can't see her like this. Merlinda had an idea, she was going to go on a long journey of revenge and getting her hair back.

To be continued...

hash brown hairTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon