Chapter 4

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Aaand here, I present to you, chapter 4!

Near the end of the 'meeting', Knov began asking questions. "When did you first apply for a job?"

"Um, I'm pretty sure I first applied for a teaching job at a college, around 4 months ago, but someone beat me at it."

After hearing this, Knov frowned. "So, are you saying that you're into teaching? Do you think that you're smart enough or qualified to be teaching?"

"What's it to you? I happen to love teaching, I've always wanted to."

Knov didn't seem to like the sudden snap, but he carried on. "That doesn't answer my question."

Your frown deepened as his eyebrows furrowed, making him look angry. "Why should you even care about me? You have absolutely no business to worry about me."

"The only reason why I am here is because your mother made a request of Netero to talk to you, but Netero insisted that someone relatively close to your age come to speak with you instead." He placed his left hand over his right as he again, slightly leaned over the table.

You were also getting upset with him, but you lowered your voice. "Excuse me, but no one even really asked me if I wanted to come here."

Knov stopped leaning over the table and looked at Morel and Netero. "I think I've got this, you two can leave."

As if on cue, Morel and Netero stood up quickly and rushed towards the door. Knov kept his eyes on the two, looking over your shoulder. But soon his eyes landed back on you, his smile faltering a little, but never leaving. "Listen, I didn't come here to argue and waste my time on something as stupid as some girl who can't even maintain a job," you scowled. "Even if her entire life depended on it."

"Oh, baby," it was his turn to frown, his eyes dropping. "I can relate. I didn't even agree to come here to listen to a man who thinks that a woman is less important compared to him." You smirked, placing a hand on his hands, folding it in yours. "Believe me, if I would have known you would be here, I wouldn't have came."

"That's too bad, because you are here. Why don't we discuss this elsewhere, people continue to stare at us." Knov gave you a closed eye smile, similar to the one he gave Netero earlier. You looked around you to see random people giving you two a small glare, most likely due to the commotion you were causing. "I do believe it's time we take our leave, don't you?"

"Hm, whatever. What will we do when we part ways?"

"Part ways? What are you talking about? I vowed to Netero and your mother that I would help you get a job that'll benefit you and your family." the man stood up, holding his hand out, waiting for you to take it. "I also believe that we got off on the wrong foot, don't you?"

'Why is he suddenly being nice to me...?' "uh, yeah." with your hand in his, you both walked out of the small diner.

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