Chapter 2

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Okay so you guys wanted me to continue so I am. Here you go.

He was still on the couch, face streaked with tears when Cabe came in. They didn't have a case but he knew that he wasn't okay. He was still sleeping so Cabe went and got him a tall glass of water and sat down on the same chair that Paige was sitting in when she came the night before. He slowly opened his eyes and shut them again.

"Turn off the lights, they hurt my head." He said grunting.

"No, now sit up and drink the water." Cabe responded. Walter grunted and sat up reluctantly. He took the water and took a long swig. "Good now that you have some fluids in you I'm gonna say something. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?" Cabe yelled and Walter frowned.

"Look I get that no one approves but I did what I had to do. She knew this whole time and she stayed with Tim. She said it back and she stayed with Tim. She broke my heart. I had no choice Cabe, what was I supposed to do. And on top of that, all of you knew and no one told me. So everyone else should be grateful that I didn't fire all of them." Walter responded.

"Oh Walter, you aren't going to last a week without her. She is your only constant in your life and you just let her go." Cabe said.

"Don't you understand I had to. She wouldn't have been happy here anymore and things would have been awkward between us and I didn't want that." Walter responded lying down again.

"Walter I get that things wouldn't have been great, but that's not forever. You know what is forever? How much you love her. You two would have gotten over it, you always do. And I get that this time is different but she told you she loves you, and the fact that you love each other would have gotten you through it. And I'm sorry that no one told you that was fair nor was it right." Cabe responded.

"I just didn't think I could see her everyday and just be okay. And plus her new job will be so much better for her and Ralph." Walter said.

"Walter I don't think that she cares that the job pays more, she doesn't care that it has more benefits. What she does care about is the fact that she's not going to feel right working with Elia, and she's not going to be able to work for him. You know why? It's because she loves you Walter and you can't just push that away."

"Well even if I were to give her, her job back I wouldn't know what to say. I didn't even know what to say last night when she came over." Walter said.

"She came over last night?" Cabe asked.

"Yeah." Walter responded.

"Damn, that woman loves you." Cabe said. "Walter I can assure you she is still at home, and she's probably really dehydrated and hungry because I doubt she has worked up the energy to eat or drink anything. So just go over there and talk to her, that's all she needs and I'm sure that's all she wants." Cabe finished and walked out the door. Walter sat on the couch for a few more minutes before he went and got changed. He got in his car and drove towards her apartment. He pulled into the parking lot and walked towards the complex. He knocked on her door. Walter stood there for a few minutes before she opened the door. She was wearing sweatpants and a hoodie, and she looked very pale.

"Hey. Uh we need to talk. Again." Walter said.

That's it for now.

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