Chapter 7: Girl's Night Out

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A/N: Look I know I said I HATE A/N's, but this is important. 100 reads?!?! OMG THIS IS CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for liking this cringy thing. Now, back to the story!

Kat progressed through the school day as usual, and as usual, she was never paying attention to the lessons. She was more thinking about her crazy dream last night.

"Maybe I should hang out with my friends more often..." She thought to herself.

"Kat? Kat!! KAT!!!"

"What?! Oh, I'm sorry Mrs. Benson, won't happen again!"

"It better not! Nothing but diligence in MY classroom! Now, what is the answer to y=2x+4.5?"

Kat just sat there, dumbfounded. "Uh..24?"

"Correct, Kat! Good job!"


"NO! I'll see you in detention during lunch. As for the REST OF YOU;"

Everyone sat up in obedience like she was a general commander and they were the soldiers.

"Complete pages 123 and 124 for homework tonight, are we clear?"

The class nodded their heads as sweat beaded on their foreheads.

"I'll see you at 11:10 SHARP."

Kat nodded and walked quickly out of the classroom.

~This time skip was brought to you by KERMIT THE FROG~

~This time skip was brought to you by KERMIT THE FROG~

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Detention, the definition of HELL."

But Kat, I thought it was school.


"Kat! To whom are you talking to?" Mrs. Benson looked PIS-mad, and was tapping her foot on the ground so fast Kat thought the floor would break.

"No one, Miss Benson," Kat grumbled as she sat down.

"That's MRS.Benson to YOU! At least I'M married!"

"Wait WHAT?"



"Who in the HE....heck are you talking to?"

"No one.." Kat finally sits down at a desk in the detention room. She's supposed to be thinking about what she did wrong, but really she's thinking about the dream she had last night.

"Maybe I should hang out with my friends soon...I haven't given them much attention since I started dating Taylor." That's when Kat decided to officially have a girl's night out with all of her friends!

"After I get out of this hellhole.."


"Alright, detention dismissed!"

"YES FINALLY I'M FREE!" Kat ran out the school doors, screeching. She texted all of the gang;

Meet me at the ice cream place at 5:00. Girls night out!!! ✌️🔥💯

They almost instantly responded...


"There is NO way this could POSSIBLY go wrong or make me regret this!" Kat said to herself as she put on her headphones and started to walk home.

Two Friends, One Love Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن