Trials, Challenges, and Kisses

Start from the beginning

"For Merlins sake, I'm not going to that damned court hearing!" Draco shouted, standing up also.

"Antila Tansy deserves to be prosecuted correctly, and to be put in Azkaban!" Hermione argued.

"She deserves to be put in Azkaban no more than I do!" Draco yelled. Harry looked to see a few people looking over at their table; he smiled sheepishly in the onlookers direction, unsure what else to do. He then looked to Ron, who looked equally unsure on the whole situation.

"You think the cruciatus curse is acceptable?!" Hermione questioned.

"No! That's exactly what I'm saying!" Draco exclaimed. There he was again with the 'precisely my point' ordeal. Hermione looked as bemused as Harry was when he first said it. Ron, however, looked shocked.

"You... You used the cruciatus curse on Tansy's parents?" He asked quietly.

There was silence.

Draco's expression faltered, as he swallowed hard, his mouth tightened, and he averted his gaze in shame.

From the moment that Ron said it, it made perfect sense.
Everything Draco had said, everything Tansy had said, everything McGonagall had said: it all came together.

Draco took a deep, slightly wobbled breath, and then turned and left.

"Draco..." Harry called after him as he stood up. He followed him into the corridor, where he caught his arm, stopping him. He turned him to face him, holding him at arms length.

"I didn't have a choice, I swear I didn't!" Draco insisted, his voice broken.

"I know that... I believe you..." Harry mumbled, pulling Draco closer and stroking his hair in comfort. His hair was always so soft, Harry loved playing with it; though, he had to admit, grabbing at it was little more fun...
Harry hugged Draco for a while, waiting for him to calm down,

"I'm not going to the trial." Draco stated defiantly, stepping back and blinking away any tears that had made their way into his eyes.

"No one's going to make you..." Harry assured.

"Father says that it's better that we avoid court for as a while... Apparently if cases are brought up, there's a small chance of a retrial..." Draco mumbled, focused on the floor. "The years confiscation of my wand was bad enough." He added with a small smile.

"Wait, you don't have... You don't have your wand?!" Harry questioned. He didn't exactly remember seeing Draco with his wand since they got back for eight year, but neither had he exactly noticed him not having it.

Draco's face changed to that of concern/disbelief.
"Potter, you are about as observant as a stone slab..." He muttered.

There was a pause, whilst Harry was offended.

"Can't we go back to you crying, and me hugging you and being a good boyfriend?" Harry asked in defeat. Smirking, Draco stepped forward. He hooked his index finger on Harry's collar, pulling him closer.

"Better: why don't you be a fantastic boyfriend and kiss me?" He teasingly drawled.

"I can do that." Harry whispered, millimetres from Draco's mouth.

"Go on then." Draco instructed. He still had Harry's collar in his grip, whilst he snaked his other arm around Harry's waist.
So that was exactly what Harry did: he pushed Draco against the wall behind him, and, running one hand through his brilliant white blond hair and the other trailing down his lower back, kissed him roughly.
Meanwhile, Draco moved the hand that'd been on Harry's shirt collar to trace over his chest.

"Hermione's still gonna be pissed about the 'women' comment, and the trial..." Harry mumbled, pulling away for a moment, and looking deep into Draco's stormy grey eyes.

"I don't care." Draco replied. He lifted his leg up to brush against Harry's thigh and rest upon his hip.

"Fair." Harry shrugged. He then grabbed Draco's other leg to match the one already up, and pushed him harder against the wall so that they were pressed together.
He was extremely thankful that the rest of the years had classes, leaving the corridor empty...

"My," Draco shifted a little, "Can I help you, Potter?" He asked teasingly, wearing a gorgeous smirk.

"Hmm..." Harry left a trail of kisses down Draco's slender neck. "I was just wondering if you'd accompany back to the dorms for a little while..."

"Well, how could I say no to an offer like that?" Draco asked rhetorically, taking Harry's face in his hands and looking at him admiringly. "Look at you, Potter, you're a mess..." He murmured seductively, pushing back Harry's mass of black curls.

"Your fault, Malfoy." Harry grinned. Draco smiled sweetly, moving both of his hands to Harry's shoulders. He pushed him away, allowing himself to be lowered back onto the ground. He started off down the corridor.

"We decided the dormitories, yes?" He glanced over his shoulder.


And so Harry and Draco went to play Scrabble.
I mean... Er...

This was on one of my drives, which I didn't bother to look on before, and since I'd assumed it'd been deleted... Also, I forgot to upload it for a while once I had found it, so, hey.

I hope you all liked the last chapter of 'Can I Help You, Potter?'!!
Feel free (please) to check out (please) my other works (please)!

You've all been very encouraging and often quite funny and sometimes very informative/helpful/knowledgable/good at facts, if there's a word for that ( @A3r0Space and the fun facts (good band name if you're looking for one)), which I really appreciate. All comments are great to read and you guys are the best, really!

Until next time,
Jay xx

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