Chapter One: No Regrets

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Levi was in the underground city. His face in the muddy puddle. He looked up at a very fit man with thighs that could kill. No one really knew that's how he really killed titans. The man with the gorgeous thighs stared at an extremely short mean man. He thought he was hot as shit.

"What's your name?" Erwin inquired.
It stayed silent...It was so quiet you could here the faint sounds of the rain in the background.
If the cutie won't talk, I'll have to threaten him, thought Erwin.

"I will kill your friends if you do not speak."
"Levi..." The short man with drenched black hair was let go by Erwin.

"I am offering you citizenship and no charges will be accounted for if you join the Survey Core."

Still, the little angry man stayed silent. He did agree to go with Erwin though.

Time Skip bought to you by titan killing thighs

"You should lighten up a bit, yeah. You're cu... You shouldn't be upset," Erwin almost let his true feelings slip. How could he be so stupid. He took a deep breath and concentrated on what he said.
"Tch," Levi seemed uninterested. He didn't catch what Erwin said.

Levi dramatically looked out the window.
I guess he's having his moment...Erwin thought.

Into Hell... I mean Levi's head

Those eyebrows...Why are they so perfect?
They make me angry for some reason. Tch. Peice of shit. I will kill him if it's the last thing I do. I will avenge my friends.

Time skip brought to you by perfect eyebrows

Erwin lead Levi down the corridor to his office.
"This is my office. You can report your paperwork here. If you have any needs, state your name and business," Erwin spoke softly.
Erwin lead Levi to his new bedroom. Which irronicly is right beside Erwin's.
"This is your bedroom. You have no right to privacy. You haven't reached that privilege yet. But there are ways..."
Erwin's thoughts
Dammit Erwin, why the fuck would you be so sexual? Calm your fucking ovaries!
Levi's thought

Levi walked in to his bedroom. For some reason it smelt of lemons. Levi was slightly aroused by the smell. He inhaled the smell for a minute. Then he turned around annoyed because Erwin was just staring at him.
Erwin's thoughts
So he gets hard on the smell of lemons, does he? That's absolutely adorable. I'll keep that in mind...
Levi's thoughts
What the fuck is he doing? He's just staring at me. Fucking creep.

There was an awkward silence in the room.
"Well, I'm going to leave you to do you Boo... Dude... Yes, well...goodnight." Erwin was slightly embarrassed by his words. He blushed and ran out of the room like an abnormal titan.

"That was kinda hot....what am I saying? But I can't keep those eyebrows out of my mind though..

Levi hit the pillow and was out like a light.
Little did he know, he was being watched by someone with so bigass trees... Eyebrows.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2017 ⏰

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